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(Harmony's POV)

Hendrix stood above me. His intense gaze added to intimidating look.

Trying to back away from him, my back hit the wall, preventing me from moving away. I internally began to panic. 'I'm gonna die,' I thought.

"Don't be scared Miss Joyce, I have no intention of killing you," Hendrix said.

"Then what do you want?" I ask, trying to sound intimidating. Which wasn't working since I was shaking.

"I just came to talk," Hendrix said. He knelt down in front of me so we were at the same eye level. I looked away as he grabbed my chin. "Don't look away from me." He forced me to look into his eyes. With his free hand, he gripped my wrist. As our eyes met, I began to feel dizzy.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"I'm draining you so you can't run away," Hendrix said. "This way I can get the information I need."

"Draining me of what?" I ask, slurring my words as I spoke.

"Draining you of your magical energy. And from what I've heard, you have a lot of it," Hendrix said. The God looked deeper into my eyes. "So little goddess, I know you have a relic?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask, trying to act as if I didn't know anything. "What's a relic?" Hendrix' eyes suddenly changed. They darkened in colour as if his emotions changed his eyes.

"Don't lie to me," he said. "I know you have it. Give it to me."

"And why would I do that?" I ask. I glared into Hendrix' eyes. His emotionless orbs stared back into mine.

"Because I have full control of everything that lives," Hendrix said. Once again, Hendrix' eyes changed. But this time, they were glowing a metallic silver. I felt an urge to do everything Hendrix told me. "Now give it to me."

Suddenly, my body began to move on it's own. I lifted up m hand and brought it close to my head. My hand was shaking. I tried so hard to resist. Hendrix' mind was overpowering my own.

Soon I would give him the relic. But before I could grab it, a voice yelled to me. "You can resist Harmony!"

Who was that? Suddenly my hand was no longer shaking. I had full control. Wait! Astrona! Hendrix noticed my retaliation. "Give me the relic!" Hendrix yelled. Once again, my hand started to shake and inch its way towards my pin.

I pulled my wrist from Hendrix' grip, I grabbed my shaking hand and pulled it down with great force. A smirk grew on my lips. "I won't ever give it to you! I have to return it to someone. So I'm not letting you lay a hand on it," I said.

Hendrix gritted his teeth. "Why you little-!" Hendrix yelled before chucking me across the room. I hit a wall head first. Sliding down the wall, I soon hit the ground.

I managed to sit up. "You can throw me all you want. B-but I'll never give you the relic," I said. Hendrix growled.

"Then I'll take it myself," Hendrix said. He took his first steps towards me.

He didn't get far before a blur ran into the room and sent Hendrix flying. When the blur stopped, I could see his face.

With one of the most determined faces, Kyle stood in the centre of the room with his fists clenched. "Don't touch my opposite!" Kyle yelled. Kyle ran over to me, picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran out of the base. On our way home I began to fall asleep.
(Kyle's POV)
I brought Harmony to her house, the only place where she will be safe. Tristan answered the door. "Whoa what happened?" Tristan asked. "Is Harmony alright?" I just walked past Tristan.

"I'm taking her to her room, you should call Magenta and blondie. They need to hear what I have to say," I said.

"Why should I listen to you?" Tristan asked.

"Because Harmony was confronted by a God," Kyle said. "And it wasn't Chaos." Tristan's eyes widened.

Before he could say anything, I made my way upstairs to Harmony's room.

I placed Harmony on her bed. She was bruised badly and had a few cuts. Well, I had the same injuries. She has fallen asleep on the way here. Looking at her hair, I saw a pin. That's Astrona's relic. It's funny really. The Goddess to find the relics and bring Astrona back from her prison is in such a fragile girl. But even so, many of her enemies underestimate her. Her power is so much more then anything this world has ever seen. She just needs to learn to control it. But who will teach her?

Harmony moaned and rolled over onto her side. I should let her sleep. Walking out of her room. My eyes met with Tristan's. He had a hint of concern in his eyes. "So, you said he's here?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah, duh," I said. "And Harmony has Astrona's relic."

"Really?!" Tristan asked. "She has one? What about the other two?"

"She has the most powerful one. The others are still lost in Astrona Valley," I said. "But she'll find them. It's her determination that drives that girl." Tristan smiled with a hint of sadness.

"I wish she didn't hate me right now," Tristan said. "I really want my sister back." I sighed. I'm not the one to get all mushy.

"Quite being such a downer," I said. "Knowing that girl, she will forgive you sooner or later. Especially because I'm not part of her anymore. She's 99.5% good. So don't you start talking to me about your problems. I'm not a good person. Harmony is the good one, not me." Tristan smirked at me.

"Fine then," he said patting me on the back. "I won't pull you into it all. But sooner or later she will prove that everyone has good in them. Even if you don't, she will still try." Tristan messed up my hair. "And if I wasn't mistaken, you just helped me with my problems. That's called being nice." Tristan walked off, leaving me with his last words bouncing around in my head.

I fixed my hair and looked back at Harmony's room. I don't have good in me. Shes the good one, and I'm her opposite. I closed Harmony door and began to walk away. I'm nothing like her.
Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. I was on a vacation to Italy. But I'm going to continue writing now that I'm back. Thanks for waiting my Peeps. C ya ✌️

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