Monday, The Day Known As Hell

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Not wanting to deal with all the drama with Tristan, I snuck out of the house without him noticing. Kyle found me, which led to Hope and Joy finding me. We are now walking to school. "Harmony, you should be a little easier on your brother," Hope said. "If you keep it up you're going to loose your brother."

"Technically we aren't siblings by blood like I've been told," I said. "So that doesn't make us related. He isn't my brother."

"Harmony don't say that," Joy said. "He was protecting you."

"If my Harmony says its his fault then it's his fault," Kyle said outing his arm over my shoulder. "Whatever a Goddess says goes."

"Ok stop," I said taking Kyle's arm off of me. "I'm not a Goddess. And even if I was, I wouldn't be here practically dying, I'd be helping people. Showing people the right way."

"But you are a Goddess Harmony," Hope said. "You can't deny it."

"The longer you deny me, the longer you deny yourself," Kyle said. "I'm part of you."

"You are the evil from Chaos' half of me," I growled. "You are nothing more then a dark entity from which Chaos cursed upon me."

"I'm nothing of the sort," Kyle said. "I'm your other half. What I feel you feel. What you feel I feel. We are the same person but in two halves. We were bound at birth."

"Shut up!" I yell. "I don't want to deal with you! How do I even know if you're telling the truth?"

"Go into my mind and see for yourself," Kyle said. "It's open to you and only you."

"I wouldn't do that Harmony," Joy said.

"That's how it happened to Astrona," Hope said.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Don't listen to these Demigods," Kyle said. "We don't have to answer to them. Were the gods."

"Shut it Kyle!" I said. "Up until today I thought of myself as a demigod. They are equally or maybe even stronger then I am. Your weakness is my weakness. So if you disrespect them ever, you will feel the pain, even if I have to hurt myself in the process." Joy and Hope had sorrow in their eyes.

"Harmony, you shouldn't do something like that," Hope said.

"We are only half goddesses," Joy said. "We aren't nearly as strong as you."

"And there's no way we'd let you hurt yourself to hurt Kyle," Hope said.

"In all seriousness, we aren't goddesses," Joy said. "So we aren't nearly as valuable as you. You aren't immortal. So you can still die."

"I know," I said. "But my sisters come first." I turn away and looked down the street. "I'm going to clear my head. I'll be at the base."

"Alright Harmony," Joy said. "Just be careful." I nod.

"I'll see you two in art," I said. I then looked up at Kyle. "Watch him for me please. I want some time alone."

"You're just leaving me with these demigods?" Kyle asked.

"Yep," I said. "Can't have you reeking havoc on this town. And what other half would I be if I let you wonder alone with no protection. If I feel weak, you feel weak. And I'm still trying to regain my strength after what happened." I gave him a wicked grin. "And Besides, you need to get to your classes."

Hope smirked while Joy crossed her arms in victory. "Yes Kyle," Hope said. "We'll take good care of you. We can have our Harmony getting hurt." The sisters and I laughed while Kyle stood annoyed.

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