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The chief sat me down in the library. No one was in there so it was a nice quiet place to interrogate me. He sat across from me with blood shot eyes. Mr. Bolero placed a cup in front of me. It was empty. next, he placed a water jug beside it.

"Don't be worried. I won't bite. You can help yourself to some water if you like," Mr. Bolero said.

"Thank you, but I'm fine," I answered. Mr. Bolero sat back in his seat. if he wasn't serious before, he sure was now.

"Alright," He said. "If you don't already know, my name is Jon Bolero, chief of police. I've come to ask you about some resent activities involving the super humans. I'm assuming you've watched the news. These people have great power, its overwhelming, but I'm not here to talk about the fight, I'm here to talk about the two with these gifts. So first off, Where were you the day of the fight?"

"I was at school," I answer simple.

"You're attendance record shows that you were only present for the first half of the day," Mr. Bolero said.

"There were some family issues that I needed to deal with so I left school early," I lied, trying to stay calm.

"Alright, do you have anything to do with the super humans?" He asked.

"No," I answered. The more questions he asked, the more my body shook in fear.

"Do you have anything that may help us find these people?" He asked.

"No, sorry," I said. My hands were shaking furiously. I needed to distract myself. With my two shaking hands, I poured the water into the cup and gulped it down.

"Your hands are shaking," Mr. Bolero said. I quickly put them behind my back.

"Oh sorry, I'm just really cold," I lied. He gave me a curious look.

"You're lying to me," He said.

"No I'm not," I respond. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you have something to do with those people," Mr. Bolero said getting to his feet. "Where are these people!"

"I don't know!" I shout.

" Are you one of them?! Are you apart of their team?! Do you know them personally?! Are you good or evil?! Are you the girl who fought that man?!" Mr. Bolero was yelling at me now. Somewhere deep inside my soul, I felt the urge to let my gifts tear him apart. But I pushed those thoughts aside, which angered my soul. What is happening? It was like someone else was apart of me, like a second personality. The more Mr. Bolero yelled at me, the more controlling my soul got. Someone please help!


(Third person POV)

While Harmony was being torment in more ways then one, Tony quickly typed on his phone.

'Joy I need u to meet with me... like, now!' Tony texted.

'Why?' Joy texted back instantly.

'Chief Bolero asked Harmony to come with him. I think he wants to ask her questions about the fight,' Tony responds.

'Who told him?' Joy asked.

'Zen,' Tony's one word explanation gave Joy all the information she needed.

'Alright, I'll be there soon. I'll grab Hope along the way. Where is he talking to her?' Joy asks.

'They just entered the library,' Tony texted.

'Alright, we'll be there in a sec ttyl,' Joy texts. Tony put away his phone, then ran over to the library. He watched the whole conversation unfold. When Harmony's hands began to shake, Hope and Joy appeared.

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