Tristan Joyce

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(Flash Back)

It was a late night in mid May. It was my Birthday so I went to the movie theater for a birthday treat. The movies was over and I didn't know what to do. I pulled out my phone and texted my brother. 'Can u come pick me up? The movie's over.'

' Yeah I'll be there soon ttyl,' he texted back. It took him thirty minutes to pick me up. He pulled up next to me. "Hop in," he said. Opening the passenger door, I jumped into the seat and put on my seatbelt. "How was the movie," he said driving away from the curb.

"It was pretty good. How was your night," I asked.

"It was good. I saw F.O.B. preform. It was a great concert," He said.

"Why didn't you where your fall out boy sweater?" I ask.

"I didn't want it to get ruined. You never know what people will do at concerts," Tristan said. We were silent for most of the ride. Tristan  broke the silence by tossing me a box. "Here, this is my gift to you. Mom and Dad may have gotten you a amazing present necklace. but mine is cool."

"Thanks Tristan," I said. I looked at the box for a long while.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Tristan asked.

"I want to open it when you can see my expression," I said.

"Alright," Tristan paused. "Harmony, there's something that I need to tell you. It's important."

"What is it?" I ask. Tristan looks at me and didn't look away.

"There's something you don't know and mom and dad refuse to tell you," Tristan said. I look at the road and see a person standing in the road.

"Tristan! Look out!" I yell, but it was to late. Tristan turned the steering wheel sharply. We tumbled over and were sent into the air. After rolling many yard, I unbuckled my seatbelt and crawled out of the car. "Tristan are you alright," I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need a little help getting out," Tristan responded. I hurried over to his side of the car. He opened up the door and reached for me. I was about to help him when I heard something cracking. Tristan noticed it too. He pushed me as far away from the car as he could. When I looked back, the car exploded. A huge fire was lighting up the dark road. I was in so much shock that I couldn't move. When realization struck me, tears began to stream down my cheeks.

"TRISTAN!" I scream.

(Flash back ends)


"Tristan!" I yell with joy. Tony put me down as I weakly ran to my brother. I jump into his arms as he spun around.

"Harmony! I missed you so much," Tristan said. Tears fled my eyes.

"I missed you more," I said.

"I bet you did," Tristan said lowering me to the ground. I nearly fell when he put me down, but he caught me just in time. "Whoa are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm just a little weak at the moment," I said.

"Okay then I'll just have to give you a piggyback rid," Tristan said smirking. He put my arms around his neck and hoisted me up. When I was high enough, he grabbed my legs to keep me from falling. Tristan finally noticed the other four. "Who are these people?"

"They're my uh..." I trailed off.

"They're her enemies, but I'm her friend," Hope said. "I'm Hope."

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