Lunch Time Fiasco

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It was lunch now. I stopped by my locker and put all my items in it. That's when I remembered about Derik. I needed to go see him or something bad might happen. So I found my way to the front of the school. My heart beat quickened as I got closer to the doors. Once I reached them, my necklace began to pulse. What I saw next made my heart skip a beat. Derik was leaning against a wall watching a girl walk towards oncoming traffic. She wasn't stopping. Something told me that she wasn't doing this under her own free will. I burst throught the doors. Derik turned to me. His smirk faded.

"Stop this right now!" I screamed.

"Way to ruin the fun. I was really itching for some chaos," Derik said. "Don't move Shian." The girl stopped.

"What are you doing to her?" I question with a stern voice.

"Do you really think that scares me. You are nothing but a weaklin-."

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. The ground shook with my cry. Derik was surprised. He nearly fell over. Derik's expression turned into a slightly joyful yet cocky face.

"Finally! Someone that can actually challenge me," Derik said. He snapped his fingers as everything stopped. The cars on the road came to a stop, the birds flying above stopped mid flap, and all the pedestrians came to a hault. The world around us became dull.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Oh not much. I just froze time," Derik said.

"How did you do that?"

"It's called magic sweet pea. You have it too," Derik said with a cocky smile.

"I don't have magic," I said.

"Then what do you call that levitation trick you have," he grinned. " show it to me."

"No way am I gonna do that," I refuse. Derik smirked.

"Fine then, I'll make the first move," Derik said as he faded into the shadows. I could no longer find him. Before I could find him, he materialised in front of me. His hand flew through the air and grabbed my lower jaw. I order you to kiss me. His word's were compelling, but deep down I knew I couldn't let him control me.

"No! I will never let you control me!" Derik's smirk turned to shock. His grip on my jaw was loosened. I pulled my head away. He gazed into my eyes and leaned in close to me as if he was trying to see into my thoughts.

"You are the first person to ever break free of my mind control. I'm impressed. Not even the the demi-gods of Pease can do that." Derik said. "And I was really looking forward to stealing your first kiss."

"How did you know I've never been kissed before?"

" Oh my sweet innocent goddess. Do you know nothing about my kind?" Derik asked. He looked deeper into my eyes. "You seriously don't? My god Chaos, you really don't know. Then let me educate you." Derik offered me a seat on a cement bench. I quickly refuseds. "Alright sorry, I was just trying to be humane. Even though I'm not. Getting to the point, I am one of the many offsprings of the God Chaos. I am given great powers by my father, Kinda like yours. Some people call us supernatural beings or chaos seekers."

"What does this have to do with me," I interrupted.

"I'm getting to that," He said. "There is this goddess who constantly fights with my father. She has a name similar to yours. Her name is Pease. She brings all th good things to the world like the joy, kindness, hope, trust, harmony and blah blah blah. In other words, she is your mother."

"T-that's not possible. I have parents and a brother... well had. There's no way that I could be a demi-god," I argued.

"Well then they lied to you," Derik said. "Continuing on with what I was talking about, chaos seekers are solely ment to destroy Pease's children." Hearing those words, I instantly tensed.

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