Kyle, The Opposite

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I don't remember what happened after that. I must've passed out. I was in a lot of pain.

"Joy, did you see anything else in your vision that can explain this?" Tristan's voice echoed through my mind.

"I told you everything I saw," Joy replied.

"There must've been something you missed," Hope said.

"I didn't leave anything out," Joy said, annoyance clear in her voice. "My visions are precise. There's no way I could miss something important." Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't realize I was back in my room. Tristan sat in a chair beside me while Joy stood at the end of the bed and Hope leaning against the wall.

"You guess talk really loud," I moan, attempting to sit up. Tristan assisted me. "Thank you."

"No problem," He smiled, sadly.

"Are you feeling better Harmony?" Hope asked.

"I'm kinda sore," I said. "But over all, in fine. What happened?"

"Well," Tristan paused.

"What did I miss?" Asked a voice. All our eyes landed on a tall man. It was Kyle. He had a sandwich in his hand. I tried to get farther away from him, but the bed frame prevented me from doing so. He smirked. "Hello there Harmony," he said. "Are you felling better?"

"Sure," I said, defensively. My hands began to shake.

"There's no need to be afraid opposite," Kyle grinned wickedly. "I can feel it too."

"Shut up!" I yell. Using my gifts, I sent Kyle flying. He hit a wall hard. As if I was the one sent flying, I felt the wind being knocked out of me causing me to wince.

"Harmony?!" Tristan yells. "What's wrong?"

"It's what happens when she or I get hurt," Kyle chuckled. "We are connected. If I get hurt she gets hurt. If I die, she dies."

"What are we going to do with him?" Hope asked. "If he gets hurt then Harmony will be harmed too."

"Don't worry Magenta," Kyle cooed. "I won't let anything happen to either of us."

"My name is Hope," Hope scowled.

"Yeah yeah," Kyle said lazily. "I'm just giving you a nickname. Since your hair is a magenta colour, that will be your new nickname." Hope growled.

"How can we be sure?" Tristan asks, protectively. "You might harm her until she is weak enough for you to take over. All you have to do is sever your bond slightly."

"What are you saying Tristan?" I ask.

"This has happened once before. It's the cause of being born from both Chaos and Peace," Tristan said.

"What?!" Hope and Joy shout.

"Are you serious?!" Hope asks.

"That would make...," Joy paused.

"Harmony a full blooded Goddess," Kyle said. "And that would make me a God."

"Tristan?" I ask. "Did you know this before or did you just now realized it?"

Tristan sighed. "Yes." He grabbed my hand. "But I only learnt it a few months ago, when I went missing." I felt betrayed. I'm his sister! He should have told me! Maybe if he did I wouldn't be in this state and Kyle wouldn't be here.

"You should have told me!" I yell. "This could've been prevented if you did!"

"Harmony," Joy said. "He was think of your safety."

"Well maybe he should have thought of the consequences," I said. "What day is it?"

"You were asleep for two days," Hope answered. "It's Monday morning."

"Alright then," I said. "I'm going to school."

"That's not a good idea," Hope said.

"I agree," Joy said. "You are still recovering."

"I'm going!" I said, getting out of bed. "Now please leave so I can get changed."

Everyone left the room except Kyle. He just smirked. "You really let your dark side show that time," Kyle chuckled.

"Isn't that you," I said. It was more of a statement then a question.

"Yes, but everyone has a dark side," Kyle said, getting closer. "Even if their dark side is a whole different person, there is still a little bit of me in you."

"Then there should be a bit of me in you too," I said. "And I will find it and show you that everyone is good in their own way. Now leave so I can change."

"Alright miss touchy touchy," Kyle said. He smirked one last time. "This will be one fun day." He cockily saluted. "See ya Harmony," he said, exiting the room. Finally, I'm alone.

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