First Day [Part 2]

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My first class was calculus. I was not fond of that... At... All. I loathe math. I'm okay with the basics like adding and subtracting. But when you get into the hard stuff like line graphs, then it's a whole other ball game.

Walking into the class room, eyes instantly landed on me. "Whoa who's she?" Someone whispered.

"I don't know," another voice spoke.

"Is she the new girl?"


My gaze fell to the ground. Guess I'm the talk of the school already, and I haven't been here more them thirty minutes. My eyes picked up on some movement in the room. Tony was waving at me. When we made eye contact, he smiled and gestured for me to come over to him. I slowly made my way towards him. Every set of eyes fallowed me. Reaching Tony's desk, his smile grew.

"Nice to see you again, Harmony," he spoke in a gentle voice.

"Y-yeah you too," I said while my voice began to falter.

"Why don't you sit down. It would be nice to get to know you better," he said.

"Alright," I said taking seat in the desk next to his.

"So Harmony, are you good at calculus?" Tony asked.

"No way. I can't get my mind to process it all. It just gets all jumbled up with everything else," I explained.

"I know how you feel, except I can't seem to grasp the whole idea of chemistry. I'm perfectly fine with math, but chemistry is so hard to understand," Tony admitted.

"Really?" My voice gave off a hint of surprise. "Well if you need any help, with chemistry, I'm here." Tony smiled.

"That would be great," He said. "And I can help you with Calculus." Now the smile shone from my face. The slightest blush rose to my cheeks. My heart began to beat

"Thank you," I spoke calmly trying to slow down my heart beat.

The class went by to fast. Tony was a great help. Somethings actually made sense.

My next class was Art. I mentally cheered. Art is my favorite subject. I wouldn't say I'm really good. But I'm pretty good.

Walking down the hallway, a familiar smirk caught my eye. My heart began to race. My breathing heaved. Derik's smirk grew.

Hello again, Goddess. He played the words in my head.

S-stay out of my head! My thoughts were sharp and mentally to sound threatening. Even with all the fear in my eyes, I had to try and show him that he doesn't scare me. I'm not very convincing. He chuckled.

Nice try Goddess, but that won't work. I'm not threatened by you.

Stop calling me Goddess! My names Harmony! Now he was really getting to me. I wanted to punch that smug grin off his face.

Whatever Goddess. Just meet me at the front of the school when lunch starts.

What makes you think I'll come?

Because I know you don't want anyone to be hurt. I instantly froze. Derik walked up to me. His long fingers caressed my cheek. I tried not to be bothered by his cold touch. See you later, Goddess Harmony.

I stood there waiting for his footsteps to fade. When I could no longer hear them, I began to make my way to class.

I enter the room. It was as the most colourful room I've ever seen. Art was hung on the walls. Art supplies neatly placed on pained shelves. This was like heaven. My mind had been else where when I felt a powerful, yet pleasant presence. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two girls. One had curly caramel coloured hair. It was put up in a tight pony tail leaving only her curly bangs loose. She wore a light green tank top with a light pink heart. Below that, she wore a pair of high rise jean shorts with a belt. Upon her feet were a pair of high tops. Dangling from the fabric that holds the belt in place was a heart keychain.

The girl next to her had a black to purple hair style. The right side of her hair was cut short leaving he bangs and hair on the left side very long. She wore a black striped t-shirt with a leather jacket over top. Her legs were covered by a pair of navy blue ripped jeans. She wore grey boots on her feet.

Out of all their accessories, there was one thing that really stood out. Around their necks, was a necklace similar to mine. The girl with caramel hair had a key with a heart shaped peace sign while the girl with purple hair had a diamond shaped peace sign.

They turned to me. The caramel haired girl smiled at me while the purple haired girl just stared at me with bored eyes. I quickly look away. I needed to find a seat. At the back of the room, was a empty seat. I walked over to it and took a seat. Instinct kicked in when I reached for my sketch book, realizing I no longer had it. Every artist hates when their sketch book get ruined, but that wasn't as bad as losing something far greater. I bang my head against the desk. I didn't even have my drawing pencils. I exhale into my folded arms that rested on my desk.

"You must be the new student," spoke a calm and soothing voice. I look up. It was the teacher. "Harmony Joyce, right?" I nod. "I'm Mrs. Thomson the art teacher. I just want you to know, I don't expect anything from you, I just want you to be creating art every class. If you need me, I'll be helping other students."

"Wait, before you leave, do you have a piece of paper and a HB pencil?" I ask.

"When do I not?" She said. "I'll be right back." I nod showing her I understand. She spins around on her heels and began to make her way to her desk. I watched her walk away.

"She's so hot," said a voice.  I noticed some of the boys starring at me. I have great hearing. I don't really know how I got it but I just roll with it. A faint red hue arose to my cheeks. Soon Mrs. Thomson returned. She held a sketch book in her arms.

"Here take this," she said handing me the book. "I thought it would be better to have all you're art together then to have them all separate."

"Omg thank you so much," I said

"Don't forget this," She said handing me a nice HB pencil with an eraser. Before I could thank her again, she began to walk away. "Have fun. Can't wait to see what you're capable of."

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