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It's been a few hours since Derik and Joy saved my hide. Hope, Tony, and I continued our day as if nothing happened. Joy later joined us in art. Derik didn't make a reappearance. It was like he vanished. Joy said he had something he needed to deal with, and that he will be at the bonfire.

It was time to go to drama after Chemistry class. Joy waved us off. Hope and I Made our way to drama. "Ugh, I officially hate drama now," Hope said.

"Why's that?"

"I hate the fact that I have three Chaos demigods, that I know of, in this class," I said. "AND, I am most likely to be confronted by one of them. Like I'm fine with Tony, but Derik and Zen are unpredictable."

"I agree," Hope said. "I'm still not sure about Tony. He could turn his back on you at any moment." Hope had a good point, but I couldn't possibly imagine Tony as a Chaos demigod.

"I trust Tony," I said.

"Okay, but if something happens and Tony's the cause," Hope said. "I told you so."

"Fine," I said. "That's fair." Hope and I entered the drama room. Everyone was seated on he bleachers. We quickly joined them. Our teacher took the stage.

"Good evening class. I have a very important announcement. We will be putting on a play," He said. The class cheered.

"Is it a good play?" someone called out.

"Yes, it is based off of the history of Astrona Valley," Andrew said. The class booed except for me and the demigods.

"This sounds good," Tony whispered into my ear as he sat behind us.

"Its about the demigod Astrona and her adventures and what led her to settle here," Andrew said.

Hope leaned close to me. "You should go for Astrona."

"What?! No I can't," I said.

"You're perfect for the part," Hope insisted.

"I can't," I said.

"Fine, I'll audition for Astrona too. But you have to audition for her as well," Hope said. I hesitated before coming to a decision.

"Okay, I hope you get the part," I said.

"I bet you'll get it," Hope said.

"Come grab your scripts and pick a character. I want to start the auditions right away," Andrew said.

"I'll go grab you one," Hope said getting up. When she left, Zen sat next to me.

"So... Are you going for Astrona?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"If you get the roll of Astrona, then I should go for one of the other main rolls. Maybe I'll go for Volodar, the evil demigod. Or maybe Astrona's lover, Eric. But there's also Logan, Astrona's brother," Zen said. "But then again their is her protective partner Jarod."

"If anything you'd suit Volodar's character. Sleazy. Wicked. Tyrant. Hideous," Tony smirked. I tried my best not to laugh.

"Maybe you should look in a mirror sometime," Zen said. "You will regret ever being born." Tony was boiling over with rage at this point.

"Okay lets stop this fight, Please," I said. Tony calmed himself down. Zen just smirked. Hope returned with me with a script. it read 'Astrona The Demigod'.

"Oh you didn't grab me one?" Zen said sarcastically.

'You have two legs," Hope snarled. "Use them." Zen chuckled and left us along with Tony, who needed a script too. "So find a part in the play to use for your audition."

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