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Zen stood in front of me with a wicked smile. His grip was tight around my neck. I could feel my esophagus getting smaller and smaller. "Hello Goddess," He said with a smug grin. "I almost didn't recognize you, being all innocent looking."

With a forced breath, I spoke roughly. "What do you want?" He chuckled at my attempt to speak.

"Not much really. I just want you power," He said moving closer. "The other goddesses may have all the flashy magic show kind of stuff, but yours. It's powerful. Maybe its to much for a simple girl like you to control."

"This is my gift. Peace wouldn't have given me this power if she didn't think I could handle it," I muttered. Zen chuckled once more.

"You've got some bit to ya," Zen said. "I like that in a woman." Zen closed the last bit of space between us with his body. I was now pinned to the wall by his body. "Maybe after I take your gifts, I'll keep you around," He said. Now give me your necklace.

His mind control was just as powerful as Derik's, But I knew I could resist his compelling and seductive voice. "I won't give it to you. If don't let go of my neck, you'll regret it," I've always wanted to say that. He seemed confused how I broke his mind control, but he quickly recovered. He leaned his face closer until his nose was inches from mine.

"Try me," He cooed. With that, I sent him flying back into the running shower. His nails scratched against my neck. A small stream of blood trickled down my neck.

"Ouch," I mutter. Zen was trying to regain his balance after the force I sent at him. My feet began to move on their own, as I bolted out of the bathroom and into my room. I slammed the door behind me. My eyes scanned the room for something to barricade myself inside, but there was nothing near me that I could use.

"Where did you go Goddess?" Zen spoke in a sly voice. "You wont win this game of hide n' seek." My heart was beating so loud that I was sure he could hear it. I had to clear my mind or he'll find me.

Goddess. That wasn't Zen's voice. It was...

"Yo, Goddess. I came for a visit," Derik said jumping out of the shadows. I still stood in front of the door. He looked at me like I had a nest for hair. "What are you doing?" He noticed my bloody neck. "What happened?!"

"Shush" I whispered.

Goddess. Zen was getting close. Derik's expression darkened.

"Come over to me Harmony, slowly," Derik ordered.

"Why? You're just as bad as him," I whispered.

"He wants your gifts. If he takes them, your soul would go with them, leaving you within the eternal darkness of his presence," Derik explained quietly. "Which is better, me saving you, or an eternity of darkness." My mind was telling me to escape, but there as no way I could. I was left with no other choice. Slowly, I stepped away from the door. Before I could reach Derik, Zen burst through the door and grabbed me. He wrapped his right hand around my waist and held his my left hand in his.

"You can't use your gifts when you can't direct it at me," Zen said talking against my cheek. He looked up to see Derik with an annoyed look. "Oh hello Derik, My least favourite brother."

"Leave her alone, Zen," Derik said lazily.

"Why should I. I found her. The pure one. I will claim her. You can't do anything about that," Zen said.

"But I..." Derik paused holding out his hand. I felt my body being pulled towards him. When Zen could no longer keep his grip, My being was pulled towards Derik. He caught me and hid me behind his back. "Awoken her abilities. Before she only used it for little things, but yesterday, In the grill, She shattered all the glass. I caused that. She's mine." I felt something in his words. It wasn't greed or possessiveness. It was protectiveness and rebellion. Zen smirked.

"Oh, I see," Zen said. "I'll leave her alone, but if she passes through my territory, she's free game. For now, I'll visit her in her dreams. See ya Purity." With that Zen disappeared like he was just an illusion.

Derik turned to me. His eyes filled with fury. "Dammit Harmony! What the hell did you do to get caught by Zen the illusionist?!" Derik's voice was filled with boiling rage. It scared me at first.

"What do you care?!" I yell, backing away from him. "I just want this all to stop! I've only been here for two days and my life's been turned upside down! I found out my parents had been lying to me my whole life, and now I'm this goddess that's so powerful that demi-gods are desperately looking for me! I hate it all! I want to live a normal life! My life! But that's all changed and forever changed when my family..." I paused. My emotions that I've been holding back are all coming to the surface. Turning my chin over to look out the window. Derik was quiet now. "You should go," I suggested.

"Harmony..." Derik said. For the first time, he actually looked like he cared.

"Just go," I said. "I need some time alone." Derik reluctantly walked towards the window. He growled deep in his throat. He didn't look at me. He only looked out the window.

"Dammit Harmony. Why do you have to be like this," Derik said. "You're one tough Princess. Don't let the past bring you down." Derik turned to me. A small smile crept onto his face. "Don't think that now on we are friends. We still have some unfinished business. I'll see ya later Princess. And you might want to bandage up that cut on your neck. I bet you don't want it to get infected."

"Thanks," I said looking down. Derik jumped out the window. I closed it behind him. Dammit, the showers still running!

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