The Base Of The Sisters

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Everything went black after a while of falling in different directions. I must have fainted from all this supernatural mumbo jumbo. When I came too, I was lying on a sofa. My head ached. "Damn, that hurts," I said aloud.

"I bet it does," said a voice. Across the room stood Hope. She looked at me with dull eyes, like something took her joy. "You can't just go around, being a beginner, and use as much power as you can muster. You'll kill yourself."

"I'm sorry... I don't understand," I stated. Hope sighed and walked over to me.

"If you keep this up, you will kill yourself. You're the purest. If you die, then the sons and daughters of Pease will be left for dead," Hope said staring straight into my eyes. Her gaze was intense. The emotions she was hiding were exploding in furious waves. This was shown in her mesmerizing eyes.

"Hope, be nice," Joy said walking into the room. She gave me a smile. "That was really amazing what you did out there today. We've never been that close to defeating Discord."

"Um... Thanks?" I said. Joy gave me a sympathetic smile.

"You're probably really confused. We should tell you about our mom," Joy said.

"She's not going to like it," Hope interrupted.

"Non of us liked it," Joy added. "Now let's start from the begining. The goddess Peace was the most powerful God next to Chaos. The two gods lived in harmony. When Chaos became power hunger, he created his own blood line of gods. They were ment to reek havoc on the innocent people of the world. Peace did not agree on this. She tried to stop it on her own but failed. This led to her own line of gods. That's us."

"Wouldn't that make us really old?" I ask.

"Nope, we're the current line. There has been others before us. But they weren't immortal, so they lived their lives," Hope said. "But according to the prophesy, there is a line of Peace offsprings that become immortal."

"What does any of this have to do with me?"

"You are the pure one. The one with the purest heart and soul, others call it the chosen one, but that's to cliché. So we just call it the Goddess of Purity," Hope explained.

"The Goddess of Purity is destined to bring peace back to Astrona Valley. The first line of Peace demi-gods lived here trying to restore the balance, but they were only destined to prevent a chaotic break out until you arrived," Joy finished.

"I'm not that person," I spoke bluntly.

"You are. Discord wouldn't have taken an interest in you if you weren't," Joy said.

"And we wouldn't have felt your overpowering presence," Hope added. "It's something you'll learn to understand."

"I still can't wrap my head around this whole thing," I said looking down at the ground. "But why did my parents lie to me?"

"They probably knew the whole time," Hope said. Joy shot her a deadly glare. The feeling of a warm liquid dripped down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. I should just go home," I said getting up. I instantly began to feel light headed, but I brushed it off.

"No you should stay," Joy insisted. "You aren't safe out there. Chaos bringers know of you're existence now."

"I'll be fine, but thanks for your concern," I said giving them both a saddened smile. Just as I was going to exit this place I realized something. "Can one of you please show me the way out."

It turns out that those girls brought me to a secret base I'm the forest next to Astrona valley. I was heading home now. School had ended a short time ago, and on the first day, I missed the second half of it. All of my things were left in my locker and my shirt was stained by a few drops of my dry bloody tears. Jess will have a field day with me if she finds out. She won't be home till around five. At least I can get myself all cleaned up.

A cold breeze past by. I crossed my arms trying to warm myself up. Damn September breeze. My telepathy began to pick up some mental voices. across the street stood two teens. A guy with lots of tattoos and piercings was talking to a recognizable face. I don't quite know where I've seen him from. He wore a black tank top with a grew sweater over top. His ripped jeans were held up by a brown belt. Silver bands circled his fingers. Covering his feet were a pair of biker boots. His black brushed-to-the-side hair had bad boy written all over it.

"How's it going," asked the tattooed guy with a kind smile. they didn't fool me. I can hear them speaking with their telepathy. "What's the plan Zen? That presence wasn't normal."

"I want your group to search the south side of the valley. Tell Shawn to search the west and Thorn the east. My team will take the middle of town and the north of the valley,"  Zen said. "We need to find it first. Discord obviously felt it. He's probably hot on it's trail." Zen looked over at me. I quickly looked away like I wasn't paying attention. My feet moved on their own as if they could sense the impending danger. My heart was pounding. My house was north of the town square, and by how the tattooed guy was talking, Zen had a lot of authority. In movies that never was a good thing. Always the stronger person has more power over others. If he's searching by my house, I have a feeling he might find me.

As I began to feel safer, the patting of feet fallowed me. I needed to know who was fallowing me. Turning a sharp corner, the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of Zen. He wore a seductive smirk. When I was sure the corner blocked his view, I hid my key in my shirt. I was pulsing against my chest. The foot steps got louder and louder. I passed by a thick vine in the side walk. It gave me an idea. when I passed the vine, I waited for Zen to get close to it. when he stepped next to it, The vine stretched out and grabbed his leg. He soon toppled over. I took this chance as an advantage to run for it. I couldn't have him seeing were I live. Using my newly discovered super speed, I was out of there before Zen could regain his sense of what happened.

I arrive home with my breathing heavy and sweat trickling down my forehead. Picking up the spare key from under a flower pot, I unlocked the door and scurried inside. My heart was racing. It's only been my second day in this new town and I've been running for my life and others lives more then I ever thought I would in my whole life. I needed to take a shower and try to wash away the day. I walked to the laundry room, grabbed a towel, made my way up the stairs, and into the bath room. I started the water and was about to take off my clothes when suddenly i was grabbed by the neck and forced against the wall.

"Hello Goddess," Spoke Zen's sly voice. 

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