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(Harmony's POV)

I woke up to a loud sound. I sat up almost instantly. My eyes gazed over the room, trying to find whatever made the sound. My heart raced. "Who's there?" I asked.

No response.

I got out of my Bed and prepared myself for anything. My hands twitched, as if eager to send something flying with my gifts. My gaze traveled along the walls trying to spot any slight shadow. I walked down the steps slowly to make sure nothing was going to jump out at me. I look around once more and noticed something odd. My digital clock on my dresser was glitching out. I don't remember that happening before. Just as I was about to return to bed, a huge shadow began to swirl around me on the floor. "What is happening?!" I yell.

Suddenly, the shadow gathered into a figure. I instantly recognized him. "Hello Harmony," Said the figure. His hair was dark, and very long. He had a slight stubble. His dressy clothes matched his classy look.

"C-Chaos," I stuttered. The man smirked.

"Please my Dear," Chaos said. "Call me Father."
(Tristan's POV)

I was sitting downstairs watching a few movies with Hope and Joy. Joy was laying on the ground with popcorn in her hand. Hope was just barely staying awake. Suddenly, Joy's popcorn shot up and I could feel an electric aura in the room. Joy sat up and her eyes were glowing slightly. Hope sat up, now wide awake. "She's having a Premonition!" Hope said.

"What?! Really?!" I ask.

"She only has one when something horrific is about to happen," Hope said. Joy was shot back into the real world. Her eyes instantly darted somewhere else. Joy rose or her feet and ran out of the living room. We quickly fallowed. She was trying to pull the floor board off of a stair. She managed to pull the stair off and grab a small object. He held up a small force-field beacon. It was broken. The cracks were bigger and it was split in two.

"We aren't alone in this house. He's here," Joy said.

"Is it Hendrix?" I ask.

"No," Joy said. "Chaos."
(Harmony's POV)

I stood before the god himself. His glowing purple eyes sent chills down my spin. I glared up at the Mischievous God. "What is it you want Chaos?" I ask.

He sighed. "Why is it so hard to call me father?" He asked. "Can't you listen to me?"

"You aren't my father!" I yell. Chaos smirked and put his hands up defensively.

"Okay okay Dear, but you know it's true," Chaos said. "Besides, it was foretold that Chaos, the God  of Mischievous and Disaster, would be reunited with his long lost Daughter. Fun fact, did you know that you are my only pure daughter, next to Astrona of course. But she was a disappointment." Chaos smiled softly and ran his thumb down my cheek. "But you. You are far superior to that traitorous girl."

I slapped Chaos' hand away. "Don't touch me! I'm not your daughter. I'm the daughter of Peace," I said. "I am not like you."

"But you are," Chaos said. "You have let your dark side show more then once My Dear. But it's not something to be ashamed of. It's good in our line of work," Chaos said. "You're The Daughter of Peace and Chaos. There is very much you haven't discovered yet."

"And what might that be?" I ask.

"Where do I start," Chaos asked. "Well, for starters, you are a prophecy Harmony. But the second one. The direct daughter of the two gods will have or choose her path. May it be light or dark. Astrona decided to choose light. But she was horribly mistaken. For dark prevailed in her time. Hendrix took over Astrona and he became all powerful. Now he walks among your beloved humans. But this time in your story, you will choose darkness and when your human body decays from all the chaos in you. You will join me and your brother Hendrix upon the thrones." Chaos was certain of his version of the prophecy. He looked down at me and smirked. "What do you say? This path is unchangeable."

I glare up at my father. "Peace will prevail, and I won't let Hendrix or even you stop me from returning Astrona to the real world and bringing hope, joy, and harmony back to this land!" I said. Chaos looked slightly angered.

"You still put your faith in someone you can't see," Chaos said. "Peace hasn't been seen for over decade. Your beloved Goddess and mother is dead! Can't you see! She hasn't helped you in any way!" Chaos' words struck me in the chest. Peace is...

"Y-you're lying!" I yell. "Gods can't be killed!"

"Why do you think we have our kids," Chaos asked. "They aren't just for battle. Those who are strongest take our place. Astrona was to be the first. But she had fallen before she could take the throne. You're the next. You can pick either side. But with one, you cause a war, with the other, no harm will come to any of your Peace loving siblings." I clenched my fist. He's threatening the lives of myof my siblings. "I know you'll make the right choice."

"I don't believe you! My mother would never die and let you take over!" I yell. I fling my hand forward in a forceful motion. Chaos was sent flying back. He hit my wall and slid down. I walked closer, with Chaos still in my minds grip. The closer I got, the more the pressure grew.

Chaos just laughed. "You are strong my dear," Chaos said. "But you have much to learn." Chaos broke my grip on him. In his hand, a sword made of shadows formed. "Don't make me use this," he said. My eyes intensified as I too, created a sword. Mine, however, was glowing white. I couldn't believe I could do that. I had copied a god by pure fury. I charged at Chaos. My sword ready to strike. I swung my sword as Chaos blocked it. "You're a fast learner Harmony," Chaos said.

"Stop talking!" I said.

"I'm quite proud of you and Your aggressiveness," Chaos chuckled. "You are a very strong willed girl. That's how I know your my daughter."

"Just stop!" I yell.

"Why do you refuse to be called my daughter. If it because you're afraid your friends will abandon you. Or your sisters and brother will no longer trust you because of your father's background," Chaos tormented. "If they know what's good for them, then they'll leave you all alone. And the only thing you'll have is me, Hendrix, and your Chaos siblings. There's no stopping fate Harmony. Just except it."

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. Suddenly, my white sword began to turn dark. It started at the tip and slowly began to dilute the swords purity. The closer it got to my hands, the more I felt the darkness welling up inside. Just before the dark aura reached my hands, Tristan, Hope, and Joy burst into the room. They gazed upon us. Their eyes were filled with horror when they saw the dark blade in my hands. I let go of the blade as it bursts into nothingness. Chaos smirked.

"It has begun," Chaos said. "Darkness is in your heart Harmony. Now there's no way to stop it." My eyes darted between Chaos and my siblings. Their eyes were filled with horror.

"Guys, help me defeat he," I said, holding out my hand to them. They flinched at my gesture. Joy and Hope stood in front of Tristan. Tristan's gaze met with mine. He looked scared, but not for himself. But for me.

"See, I told you they would betray you," Chaos said. "Now, my plan is finally working. I must go now. I'll see you later my dear." With that, Chaos vanished. I looked over at my friends.

"Hope, Joy, Tristan," I said. "Why didn't you help me."

Hope stood before me. "Do you really think we'd help you? After what we saw?" Hope asked. "We were wrong about you Harmony, Kyle's the good one, you're the opposite."

Those words struck me hard. My friends hated me. They think I'm the bad one. But I'm not. "I guess my father was right. You would betray me in the end," I said as tears fled my eyes. Tristan was about to say something. But I didn't let him start. I ran over it my window and jumped out. I used my gifts to lower me to the ground. I landed on my feet and started running. "I'm evil. I'm wicked. I'm dangerous," I muttered to myself.

I-I'm...A monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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