Chapter One

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*Kevin's POV*

It felt so good to come back home after a long tour with Pentatonix. It was my second day since I arrived here and I decided to meet some fellas.

I checked my contact list.


She was one of my best friends. I knew her since high school. She knew me very well. She even knew my deepest secrets. I haven't seen her since I left for the tour.

I tried to call her, but no answer. I tried to call her again. Someone received the call.

"Hello, is that you, Kevin?" a woman asked me. I knew it was Alice's mom.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Burke! Is Alice home?" I asked her cheerfully.

"Kevin, you need to come here, please!" her voice was shaky. There was something wrong.

"Ok. I'll do, ma'am!" I ended the call. What's happened to her?

I drove to her home. Thank God her home was not that far. Alice's mom noticed my car and opened the door for me.

"Kevin my darling, thank God you're here. Alice is upstairs. You need to see her," she panicked.

"Ok, Mrs. Burke. Relax," I tried to calm her down. She nodded.

"This is her key room. You'll need this," she handed me the key.

What the heck? She locked Alice in her room?! What's going on?!

I came upstairs. I knocked the door.

"Hey, it's me K.O. I'm going in, ok?" I unlocked the door and I opened the door. I went inside.

It was so messy. The walls. The bed. Even her drawings. All of them. I was shocked. Until I saw her, hiding under the bed.

"Alice? Is that you? Come here, Alice, I want to see your face," I said.

"Who are you?" she asked as she tried to get out from that place.

"I'm Kevin," I smiled.

It was so hard to see your best friend acting up like this. She was completely gone. She was not there.

"Oh, I'm Alice!" she smiled shyly.

She was just sitting right there, at the edge of her bed, with the messy hair and dirty clothes.

"How are you, buddy? I haven't seen you since I was busy with my tour and stuff. What happened?" I tried to get closer to her.

"No!!! Don't come closer! Don't touch me!!" she yelled and went berserk.

"Kevin! Come on, darling," her mom opened the door and I left the room; left Alicia alone.

What the heck was that?!

*Alice's POV*

When I heard someone was knocking up the door, I got scared and all. So, I hid at my favorite place, under the bed.

"Hey, it's me K.O. I'm going in, ok?"

K.O. I thought I've already heard that name once or twice. I didn't remember exactly. These Luke things were messing with my mind. Why did you leave your girlfriend here, Luke?

He went inside and stood up for a while. He looked at me. Darn it! He said that he wanted to see my face. So, I tried to get out from that place.

"Who are you?" I asked his name once again to make sure.

"I'm Kevin," he smiled.

I remembered him a little bit actually. He was my friend!

"Oh, I'm Alice!" I gave him a shy smile. I sat at the edge of my bed.

"How are you, buddy? I haven't seen you since I was busy with my tour and stuff. What happened?" he tried to get closer. Why people had to ask what happened?

"No!!! Don't come closer! Don't touch me!!" I yelled and tried to scratch him.

Ugh, I hate that question. Go away!

Mom opened the door for him and they left me. Better.

*Kevin's POV*

Her mom led me to the dining room and asked me for a drink.

"Thank you but no, Mrs. Burke," I gave her a smile and sat on one of the chairs.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I want to take her to the mental hospital but I can't," she was about to cry.

"I understand that, ma'am. What happened to her?" I asked about Alice directly.

"Last month, she went to a party with Luke. She asked for the permission about this actually. It was a nice party actually. There was no alcohol. I knew the kids there. I knew their families very well. I thought it will be cool for her. Beside, she said that she would be there with Luke. So, I said yes. But fool me, I let her to go to this party," she laughed.

I knew it was a cold laugh. I gave her a bitter smile. She continued.

"She was so beautiful at that night. I took a picture of her and Luke," she gave me the picture. She was true. Alice looked stunning with her dress. I looked at Mrs. Burke, she was smiling.

"I couldn't believe that was the last time I saw her smiling like that. After she was out, I went to the market to buy some meats and veggies for the next day," her face was became red. "When I was on my way back to home, I saw some police cars, turning on their sirens. I felt something wrong. So, I decided to follow the cars. My heart was right. There was something wrong at the party," she started to cry.

"Hold on," I stood up and took a box full of tissues. "Here, Mrs. Burke," I placed the box beside her and sat back.

"I saw Alice. I shouted her name. She cried. "Mom! Mom!!! They killed Luke!!! Oh my Lord," she ran to me and hugged me. I comforted her. But the police took her for a couple of minutes. I still remember how crowded that place and how sad Alice was," she took a deep breath. "Finally, the police let me to take her home. She was still crying at the car. When we were at home, she ran to her room and never came back," she bursted into tears. I hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am. I wasn't there when she needed me. What kind of friend I am," I started to cry. "I shouldn't be at the tour!!! I didn't know all these stuffs! Damn! Oh God," I continued blaming myself.

"It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry I didn't call you, darling. I didn't want to interrupt your tour and I think she thought the same at that time," she tried to calm me down. She got the point. "You're a good friend of her, Kevin. You really are. I'm glad you finally came here to visit her. I'm the one who haven't ready to tell this to you. I'm so sorry," she continued.

"It's okay, Mrs. Burke. I know how it feels. You're so strong," I took a deep breath. "I promise I will get her back. I promise. I have a few friends from Yale who know how to deal with this. We need to fix her and bring her back to us, ok?" I smiled. She nodded.


A/N :

So, this is the fan fiction! How is it? Is it good? Should I write it longer? Leave some comments, guys! Tell me what you think! Don't forget to vote so I can know if this one is working or not :)

Thanks guys! Love y'all :D

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