Chapter Three

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- At Alice's -

*Alice's POV*

I heard someone knocked on my door.

"Morning, Alice, can I come in?" oh.. it was that guy yesterday, K.O.

I actually knew him. Well, I just remembered his name and our status as a friend. I didn't really remember our stories. I need to talk to him. I need a distraction. I need to forget that accident.

"Yes," I yelled. He came in. He's so tall.

"Hi, Alice. How are you? I'm so sorry about Luke. I promise I won't ask or talk about him again unless you want to talk about it," he smiled.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Yes, I promise," he sat on my bed as he tried to touch my shoulder.

"No, please, don't," I said. He said sorry. I nodded. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know I just wanna talk to you. I missed you so much, Alice. I'm sorry I was so busy with tour and stuff-"

"Tour? What tour" I cut his talk. I didn't know about this. Maybe, I forgot.

"Yes! My tour with my band, Pentatonix! You probably forget about this, yeah? It's an a Capella band," he said as he handed me his cellphone. It was a video of his band.

"See? I'm the beatboxer. I left you for couple months ago for tour," he gave me a bitter smile.

"Oh... Did we go at the same school?" I asked.

"Yes! We're best friends! I know you for a loooooooong time! We were such a rebel at that time," he chuckled. I smiled to him. "You wanna know the best moments?" he asked.

"YES!!!" I answered him. I was so excited about this and he finally told me the whole story while we were at high school.

*Kevin's POV*

I checked my watch and we already chatted for three hours. I think that's enough for now.

"Hey, I think I need to go. It's already dark outside and I need something to do at home," I stood up. She did the same. Well, that's weird. "What's wrong?" she hugged me. I just smiled. This is a good sign. "See you tomorrow, OK?" I said as I left her room.

I went downstairs and I met Mrs. Burke and Mr. Burke.

"Hi, darling, how was the talk? I heard she was laughing. I'm glad she did that, I missed that," Mrs. Burke smiled.

"Yeah, you're right, hun," Mr. Burke agreed.

"I will do everything for your daugther, sir. I missed her too," I smiled to both of them. "Well, I need to go right now. See you later all," they both nodded and I left. This is great.

*Alice's POV*

The talk was so fun. I was glad he did this to me. I didn't remember exactly when the last time I laughed. We seemed pretty close back at high school. He didn't mention Luke. I was happy. He promised and he did it.

I wanted to know him more right now. I didn't know why but this was a good choice, maybe the only choice I had at this situation.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Alice, darling, this is your dinner, please, eat it, this is your favorite food," it was my mom. She came in and handed me the food. I took it and ate it. She smiled. "It's good to hear you laughing again, love," she went to my bathroom and she came back with my comb. "Can I?" I nodded. She started to brush my hair.

"Mom," I finally spoke to her.

"Yes?" she shocked.

"I want to take a bath tomorrow.... Will you help me?" I asked her.

"Yes, darling, I will help you!! Oh God, darling, I'm so happy," she couldn't stop smiling. We haven't talk since the accident and actually I haven't taken a bath since that accident. I smiled. I handed the plate to her. "Good girl!" she kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep, dear, I see you tomorrow, good night," she left my room and I slept.

*Kevin's POV*

I finally arrived at home. I decided to tell Chad what was just happened today.

"Chad!!!!" I yelled.

"Woah, easy, dude! It went well, didn't it?" he asked.

"Yes! I think I can handle her. But you still need to come next week!" I was too excited about this.

"Alright, Kev, alright!" he chuckled. "Talk to you later, yeah?"

"Ok, bye," he ended the call.

I think I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. It will be fun!


*Avi's POV*

"Hey, Esther! I will visit Kevin next week. So, with your permission, ma'am," I held my laughter. She laughed.

"You are such a dork, Avi. Of course you can! Ask the others. Maybe they want to come with you," she smiled.

"Well, do you want to go with me?" I asked her.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I already had a meeting at work. It's very important," she frowned. I gave my super frown face. "You're very weird," she said.

"Like you!!!" I chuckled. "Okay then I'll go to the Scott's," I hugged her, kissed her forehead and left with my car.

- At Scott's -

When I parked my car in front of the house, I saw Mitch outside the house. What's wrong with him?

"Hey, Mitchie!" I shouted as I walked toward him. "Why are you here? I mean at outside of your own house," I asked him.

"Nothing. Just need some fresh air. Why are you here, Avi-kun?"  I chuckled.

"Well, we need to talk. Is Scott inside?" he nodded. "Great. I'll call Kirstie first then,"

"I'll be inside," I nodded and Mitch went inside. Alright, time to call Kirstie.

"Hey, bass man. What's up?" she answered my call.

"Hey, Kirsty Kirst," she chuckled. "Um, can you go to the Scott's? We... ALL... need to talk," she laughed. "What?"

"Nothing! Relax, OK? I'll be there in 15 mins," she ended the call.

After waiting Kirstie, she finally arrived.

"So, what are you gonna tell, Avi?" Scott asked.

"Well, you all got my last text about Kevin, right? I want to ask you guys if you want to go with me to Kevin's hometown or not next week. Maybe he needs us," I stared at Mitch who was busy with his phone. "Mitchie," I called him; he didn't respond. "Mitchie," I called him once again.

"What, daddy?" I rolled my eyes.

"So? Do you want to go with me or not, guys?" I asked them once again.

"Of course, Avi!!!!!!!" they yelled at me. I just laughed.


"Alright. I'll see you guys at the airport next week," I hugged them and I left the house.

On my way home, I thought it would be good if I texted Kevin about this............. Ok, or not. I finally just jammed on my Radiohead's playlist and made my way to home. Maybe later.


A/N: Hey, guys. I hope this chapter doesn't make you all confused. You can comment if you got any grammar mistakes or if you got something to ask, just PM me. Thanks for reading this fan fiction :)

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