Chapter Seventeen

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- skip the show -

*Mitch's POV*

"That show. Was. Amazing!" I finally heard Avi saying something different because all he said before the show were 'Kirstie, no!', 'Please not again", etc. Anyway, I agreed with him. The show was fantastic!

We made our way to the exit door but suddenly Kirstie jumped.

"What's wrong, Kirst?" I asked.

"Oh, oh, oh! Look at that! We can take pictures with those lions!" Kirstie literally yelled to all of us.

"I wanna meet those lions!" said Avi who was opened his arms widely like he wanted to hug them from distance and then he ran to them. Of course, Kirstie followed him. Scott laughed and shook his head, seeing their friends acting up like this.

"Gosh, such a child," Scott commented.

"Another reason why they are close," I added.


"It would be better if we followed them. It's so crowded here, we can lost them," Kevin suggested and we nodded.

*Alice's POV*

I couldn't help myself but giggle seeing Avi and Kirstie admiring those lions after they finally got some pictures with the lions. They seem so close lately and I wonder why, I thought.

"They're funny, huh?" asked Kevin who stood beside me, wrapping one of his arm around my shoulders.

I chuckled. "They are."

"You also want to take a picture?" he squeezed my shoulder lightly. I nodded.

"Okay then, let's go," and we walked closer to Kirstie and Avi.

*Kevin's POV*

"You want to take a picture too?" Avi asked Alice.

"Yup!!" she grinned to him.

"Just talk to him," he pointed out one of the trainers. "I'll take a picture of you two."

"It's ju-"

"Oh, come on, Kevin," she said as she gave me those puppy eyes.

"Alright, princess," I chuckled as she dragged me to the trainer. "We want to take a picture."

"Oh, okay! Just stand or kneel between this big boy," he said and we did what he said. We chose to kneel, though.

"Ready?" Avi asked and Alice nodded. "Okay. 1, 2, 3," and he took a picture of us and smiled. "Perfect!"

"Thank you, sir," I said to the trainer and we walked away.

"Avi! Please send that picture to me," said Alice.

"Alright! Wait for a minute.... And done!"

"Thank you!" she hugged Avi and she walked back to me.

"Alright, kids. We need to leave! Mommy is hungry!" Mitch sassed. I checked out my phone. Yeah, we should leave and have a meal or something before it's getting dark outside, I thought.

"But moooooom," Avi pouted.

"No buts, Kaplan."

"Okay..." he sighed. "Let's go guys."

*Scott's POV*

"Damn, I'm hungry," said Mitch.

We were just kept an eye on Avi, Kirstie, Alice and Kevin from the distance and yep, both of us were hungry.

"Well, you're right, it's getting dark outside - well, it should be - and we haven't had our meals," I said as I checked my watch.

"Okay, that's it," Mitch walked closer to them. "Alright, kids. We need to leave! Mommy is hungry!"

"But moooooom," Avi pouted.

"No buts, Kaplan."

I almost cracked up with Mitch's sassiness. I saw Avi sighing after that and replied him with an 'okay' then they walked up to us.

"So, where are we going, Mitch?" Alice asked him.

"How about..." I started to speak. "Chipotle?" I continued.

"YAS!!" Avi screamed behind me and Kirstie, who stood beside him, shocked.

"YOU!" she punched his arm lightly.

"Ow! Sorry!" and the whole group laughed.

"Well, Chipotle it is then," Kevin said.

I saw him intertwining his fingers with Alice and they walked first to the exit door, smiling each other. Me and Mitch exchanged looks.

"Did you see that?!" he mouthed me.

"I know!!" I mouthed him back.

"This is my first time seeing that. That was kinda rare for me and that was cute," said Mitch, whispering this time.

"Me too."

"What's wrong?" Kirstie poked me from behind.

"Did you see what K-"

"Hey!! Come on guys! You guys are slow," I heard Kevin, who already stood in front of the exit door, yelling four of us.

"I'll tell you later," I said to Kirstie.

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