Chapter Nine

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*Scott's POV*

I really want to meet Alice. I mean, we all do. Kevin told us a lot about her. I feel sorry about her boyfriend, though. It must be hard for her. Kevin is a really amazing guy, so if these two guys were dating, I would definitely happy for them!

Well, we started to pack our clothes today and Mitch was very excited this time. He couldn't stop talking and I was just chilling with Wyatt on my bed.

"Scott, have you finished with packing?" he asked.

"Yes, like twenty minutes ago,"

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh, I can't pick which clothes I have to bring. Help me???"



"I'm playing with Wyatt,"

"Scott, help me or I'll burn your Bey...." Oh my gosh.

"NO!!! OKAY I'LL HELP YOU!" I screamed.

"Yay!" he squealed.

"You're mean," I rolled my eyes.

"I am," he smirked. "Love you,"

Ugh, this boy. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Avi.

"Yessss?" I said.

"Have you packed your things?" he asked. Okay, two people asked the same thing.


"Good. Can't wait to hear your plans, Hoying. See ya soon!" and he ended the call.

"SCOTTY!!" Mitch yelled.

"I'm comiiiiing!" I walked to his room and helped him.

*Kevin's POV*

We're coming for you @KOlusola :D

Avi's tweet this morning made me excited about Sunday! Scott got some plans to help me out and Chad will come too. If Chad said that she was okay then we need to celebrate this.

Hey, Kev. Come here pleaseeee? :)

Alice texted me. Ah, great. We didn't have any plans for today. So, I brought my laptop and some movies to watch.

*Alice's POV*

"Hi," he came out from nowhere hugging me from behind.

"Don't freak me out, Kevin," I chuckled. How I love his hugs.

"Well, you aren't, right? What are we gonna do today?" he said as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I just want to be with you right now.

"I don't know. I don't want to go outside to be honest," I said.

"I bring some movies. So, if you want..."

"Let's watch them then, but first.. Will you let me go?" I giggled.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry!" he said as he let me go.

Well, after that, we went to downstairs and Kevin went to his car outside to bring the laptop and the movies. Kevin brought some musical movies. Actually, I didn't really like these kind of movies but I tried to watch it anyway. Kevin picked one movie and we watched it. It was actually a really good movie. We cuddled up while we were watching the movie. He was so warm. I rested my head on his chest and enjoyed the movie.

In the middle of the movie, my eyes started to feel really heavy and I finally gave up. I fell asleep.

*Kevin's POV*

Cuddled up with Alice was the best thing ever. It felt so warm. We really enjoyed the movie, though.

"Alice?" I called her name but she didn't move. "Aliceeee???" I tried once again by rubbing her shoulder, but there was no answer. I started to freak out, but I heard she was snoring. I was afraid to laugh, so I just smiled and enjoyed the rest of the movie.

*Alice's POV*

I finally woke up and I was still cuddled with sleeping Kevin. He was so peaceful and actually I felt so safe with his hands around my body. I tried to move my body a little bit but I woke him up.

"Hey, have a good nap?" he said while rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I guess so," I said as I glanced up to my phone. "Damn, a three hours nap." I chuckled.

"I need to pee. Soooooooooooooooooooo, excuse me?" So, I stood up and stretched my body.

I saw his phone beside me and I saw the wallpaper. It was a picture of me and him back when we went out a couple days ago at the park. I was smiling so wide and I didn't notice Kevin behind me.

"Hey, you know what? Let's go out. I'm hungry!"

"Alright," I smiled to him.


A/N: Alright a filler! I'm so sorry for being cheesy 24/7 because I am cheesy :p

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