Chapter Thirteen

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*Kevin's POV*

"Where are we going?" she had been asking this since fifteen minutes ago while I was driving this car.

"I really don't know, Ali," was all I could say. "I wouldn't use my GPS if I knew the place," I continued. Damn, the address is hard to find!

*Mitch's POV*

"So, we're just sitting and sipping our beers without talking," I sighed. We waited Kevin and Alice for almost an hour. We were kinda bored, though.

Not long after I said that, they finally came. They said that they got lost when they tried to find this bar. Alice took a seat beside Kirstie and that made Kevin sat between me and Alice.

"This bar is pretty small," I heard Alice mumbling. I just chuckled. She was true actually, but this bar is like the coziest bar ever.

"Yeah, people don't really come to a small bar, right?" Scott replied her who sat across her. "I just don't want people to meet us because right now, it's about you and us," he continued as he wiggled his invisible eyebrows.

"Ew, Scott, stop that!" Kirstie threw a tissue to him.

"Don't get us wrong, Alice. We love our fans, but sometimes we need a privacy," I added and smiled to her.

Alice is a really lovely girl. She's also adorable and beautiful. No wonder Kevin likes her so badly.

"Anyway, how long you all will stay?" she asked four of us.

"Probably for four days or a week," Avi replied her. "Why?"

"Nothing. I just want to hang out with you guys as much as we can while you guys are here," and that made all of us including Kevin smiling to her. Kirstie, who sat beside her, hugged her tightly. This girl is the best.

*Kevin's POV*

It was so good to hear that coming out from Alice's mouth. It made me happy. The fact that she loves them made me happy. They can be good friends for Alice.

I just realized that Pearl and I haven't got our drinks. So, I asked her.

"Do they have Coke?" she replied me. It made Mitch and Kirstie chuckle.

"I guess they have?? Let me ask first, ok?" she nodded and I walked toward the bartender.

"Do you have Coke?" the bartender nodded. Good. "Two cokes then. I sit there," I pointed out our table.

"Yessir!" as the bartender nodded. I walked back to our table and sat.

After 5 minutes, the cokes came and all of us had our drinks. Kirstie and Pearl were inseparable. They were talking A LOT. Mostly about guys. Ugh, girls these days. We spent the rest of the night with talking, talking and talking. Such a good time. Suddenly, Alice poked me.

"Kevin," she yawned. "Let's go home," she rested her head on my biceps.

"Aww, someone's sleepy," Avi said.

I chuckled. "You want to go home?" I asked her and she nodded. "Okay then. Say goodbye to your frie-"

"Best friends!" the trio said in unison.

"I mean your best friends," I corrected. She stood up and hugged them one by one.

"Good night guys. See you tomorrow," she said and they replied her the same. Ah, it's so good to see them like this. I waved them and we got back to my car.

"Great day, huh?" I asked her after I got into my car.

"Very," she smiled as she closed her eyes.


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