Chapter Six

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*Kevin's POV*

Yesterday was so unbelievable. The fact that I fell in love with my best friend was kinda crazy. Happy, but also scared at the same time. Anyway, I tried to call Chad today to tell the whole things that happened yesterday.

"Well, hello?" Ah, thank God.

"CHAD! You need to hear all of my story," I literally yelled.

"Woah, easy. I'm all ears, bro," he said.

"So... I just realized that I'm falling in love with her," I took a deep breath. "And I think she's getting better," I continued.

"Well, that was obvious. I mean, soon or later she will feel the same and she will forget about her past. You get I mean, right? It's a good thing, Kev. It really is," he paused. "All you have to do is protect her. Don't treat her bad because she will remember her past and will go crazy again."

"You're right, buddy. That's my problem. She's so fragile for now. If I did something bad, she'll go crazy again." I said.

"Don't tell those three words for now. I guess. I need to check her first to make sure. After that, you can do whatever you want with her." he chuckled.

"Yeah right. Whatever. Well, I'll see ya on Sunday, yeah? My group will come too on Sunday so it will be crowded." I said.

"Perfect! You better do something special for her. Anyway, I gotta go, so see ya, bro!" he ended the call.

He got the point, I guess. Wait, my phone vibrated. I got two texts from Avi and Scott.

Kevin! Can't wait to see you on Sunday! - Avi

I have some ideas to help Alice!!! Can't wait to see you, Kevvooo! - Scott

I'm forever grateful for them, God.

*Alice's POV*

My mom said that Kevin couldn't come today. All I did today was just laying on my bed. Someone knocked my door.

"Darling, you have to eat. Just come out. I want to give you something," my mom said. I got up and walked over the door. "There you go," she said as I opened the door. "Come on. I need to show you something," she grabbed my hand and we went to downstairs to eat our dinner.


"Oh yeah! Wait," she ran to her room for 5 minutes and then she was back.
"Here. This your old phone actually. But, I decided to move all your past in a CD. You will get it if I think you're ready to have it. You get what I mean, right?" she asked me. I nodded.

"It's okay, mom. I get it. I'm fine with that. It's time for me to move on; to be a better person." I smiled at her.

"Oh yeah, this is Kevin's number. Text him first! I bet you're bored because you can't talk with him today. I'm sure you can use the phone!"

"Thank you so much, mom. You're the best!" I said as I hugged her. "I'm gonna call him. So," I ran to my room and locked the door.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Hello? Who's this?" Kevin asked.

"IT'S ME ALICE!!!" I yelled.

"HEYYY!!! You finally got your phone, huh? I'm sorry I couldn't come today. My mom needs me right now." he chuckled. He was so adorable.

And the talk continued until we fell asleep.


A/N :

Hey, guys! Thanks for the amazing comments and votes! I really appreciate that. I'm sorry for making y'all waiting for the new chapter. But ta-da! This is just a filler actually. I really need some inspirations right now.
By the way, I'm making another fan fiction "My Old Converse". So, make sure you read that! Also read my daily romance dairy "For You"!
Don't forget to comment, vote and share! Thanks a lot for the supports, guys! Love y'all, nerds!

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