chapter 2

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Dan's p.o.v
I stared into the back of the devilishly handsome man, mesmerized by his essence.
I was pulled from my thoughts by a large man rushing past me, probably cursing me in angry Spanish.
I hurried home and put away the food. I got out my phone and put in the beautiful man's number.

Dan: hey this is the guy from the store I never really got your name. My name is [Dan]. (A/n I'm sorry I couldn't resist)

A wave of panic washed over me. What of all of this was just a joke? Who would ever want me as a sugar baby? Im just a pastel freak. No one could love someone like me.
Suddenly, I ding came from my phone both scaring the life out of me and increasing my panic.

Bm: Hey, princess!! My name is Phil, but to you it is Daddy. Your name is beautiful, unlike mine.

I blushed and changed his contact in my phone.

Dan: thank you, Daddy!!

An instant reply sent chills down my spine.

Daddy: you're very welcome, gorgeous. I need you to send me your address so I can pick you up tomorrow. Is around 6:00 ok?

Dan: I work until 7:00 tomorrow. Im sorry, Daddy.

Daddy: you won't be needing that job anymore, ok? You should quit it. I'll be by to pick you up at 6:00.

I smile. I love how controlling he is. It shows that he cares.I go upstairs and pack my stuff. Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.

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