Chapter 11

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Dans p.o.v
Phil follows me downstairs to where Jason sits, looking worried and nervous. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect by coming to your home. It was the closest to where I was hurt." He speaks quickly and efficiently. I make a small note of how he bit his lip after he was finished, waiting for his verdict.
Phil was visibly taken aback by Jason's professionalism and politeness. "W-well that's alright. May I ask what happened to you?" He stutters out. I notice the way Jason is -dare I say- staring at Phil. I can already tell this is going to be interesting.

Jason's p.o.v
I stare at the beautiful man in front of me. I bit my lip at the thought of all the ways he could punish me. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm on a mission and besides I just met this man!! It's unrealistic to think that he would even want me back. And he seems to be in a kInKy relationship with the pastel one.
I shouldn't want him this much. This is going to be interesting...

Phils p.o.v
After an adoring stare from Jason, which I ignore, I find out what happened to him. He got into a gang fight and it got out of hand. One thing led to another and someone pulled a gun and shot him. I honestly feel bad for jumping the gun (lol punz) earlier. He's already had a hard day.

After giving him some of my clothes to change into and tucking him in on the couch, Dan and I head to bed. It feels different. There's more tension and Dan feels different. He's not as bubbly as usual. It's honestly worrying me. Maybe he feels bad for Jason too. I dismiss it. "Good night, baby boy" I say wrapping my arms around his waist. "Night, daddy." He says coldly. I'm surprised at his sudden attitude. I'm too tired to address it and just fall asleep with my arms around my lover.

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