we are tired

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Hi! Its your girl, Destiny. Lanie and I obviously havent posted in um... awhile. We are sorry. Honestly, though, its my fault. This story is usually written by me and I procrastinate. Its a genuine problem. Now, onto the point of this "chapter".
Lanie and I are aware that a lot of our... readers? (Is that what you guys are?) Are very creative. We decided to have a little competition. Whoever wins this competition gets to finish out the story however they see fit.
Heres how to enter ~ write a paragraph in the comment section of how you think the story should continue and a little bit about yourself. You will have 2 weeks and after those 2 weeks, lanie and i will be checking the comments of this "chapter". We will pick our top 3 favorite ones and then they will have one week to write the next chapter. We will then choose out of those three, the one we think would be the best for the story. The winner will get the password to this account and will be able to post a chapter whenever they want. So, everyone, dont be shy to show off your talent in creative writing!

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