chapter 6

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Dans p.o.v
In the time I've been with Phil I've noticed a few things.
1.) Dick is good. It not only fills me with  Phil's liquids, but it also tastes good.
2.) Phil is very busy and when he isn't working he most of the time isn't home.
I know that those two things don't really add up, but Phil hasn't been home very much over the past couple weeks. I've started getting worried and when he does come home he's either extremely drunk or higher than the Empire State.
Phil went to the bathroom and left his phone on the coffee table. I was curious when it buzzed so I picked it up and saw that some girl named Britney. It read 'Baby I need you! I'm horny!!!💦💦💦' My eyes well up as I go through the messages they've exchanged.
"Princess what are you doing?" I hear Phil's voice from behind me. "Don't call me that!" I say, hurt and pissed all at once. He must have sensed something was wrong. "Princess, what are you doing on MY phone???" He says, clearly starting to get defensive. "What did I say about calling me that??? I don't like it anymore!! It's the same name you use for your SLUT!!" I'm screaming now. Hurt that I wasn't enough for the man in front of me. Hurt that I couldn't provide him with enough pleasure that he had to turn to some slut to fulfill his sexual needs.  "You have NO RIGHT to call her that!!" He says, angry that I dare call her out for what she is. "Well she is a slut!! You clearly FUCK HER!! Am I not enough? Am I not sexual appealing to you anymore? Do you not love me anymore?" With each word I spoke it was like a stab to the heart. I felt my world crumbling. His face softened and a wave of hurt washes over him. Then a sick twisted smile spreads across his face. "You thought I loved you?" He asks with a sinister look on his face. "I never loved you. All I wanted was someone to fuck senseless. That's all. I never loved you" he says wickedly. I fall to my knees and start to sob. I sob so hard my purple flower crown falls off. He leaves the room and does god knows what.
I pick myself off the floor and take myself to the guest room. There's no way I'd be able to face him later tonight. I curl into the sheets and continue to cry myself to sleep.

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