Chapter 19

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Cat's P.O.V

I had gone over to babysit the child several times now. Jason had already infiltrated so it was only a matter of time. Jason didn't do what he was supposed to. He was supposed to push the pastel one out in order to get closer to the target. Apparently, he's just that incompetent he can't get a single task right. I would get rid of him if he wasn't the one that the boss chose. What a nightmare. The whole plan needs re-working after the major fuck up by Jason. It was getting in, seduce, and kill, and steal. It wasn't that hard. He was on the right track until he caught feelings. Feelings get in the way and only make doing your job impossible. That's why I've eliminated feeling. I am here to do a job and do it to the best of my abilities. That's why I'm the boss' favorite. That's why I'll get the biggest cut from this job. I just can't stand Jason or the stupid boy that dresses up in girl's clothing. Play nice is all I have to do. Play nice and it'll be over before you know it.


Hey guys. Sorry, this took so long. I mapped out the entire story so I can write faster. I really love reading your comments and interacting with you. I really hope you guys enjoy this Cat chapter.


Who is Jason and Cat's boss?

Why is the boss after Phil?

-Author Lady xoxoxoxo

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