Chapter 22

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Things had been different with Cat and Jason coming around. Different in the sense of him being more on edge. In the end I guess he was right to worry. I guess the stories and theories of your life flashing before your eyes were true. As I laid there all I could see was the start of it all.
My cold, decrepit apartment. My worn out sofa. The feeling of being weighed down by the work bag. The familiar aching pain that my minimum wage job left on my pale, thin body. The trudge to the moldy kitchen. The sting of hunger in my gut as I open the small dingy refrigerator as I glance at the week-old pizza and the moldy hot dogs. I know i need to go grocery shopping  but wince knowing most of my paycheck will be spent on paying for this dilapidated apartment.
~ one week later~
The beeping of the register is deafening. Not as bad as the cashier uttering the total. $172. 42. I do not have that kind of money. Panic and embarrassment flood my chest as I hear a voice from behind me say they will pay.

Blue eyes

There are his blue eyes. Beautiful. Like the ocean waves. His eyes like a cloudless summer sky. The eyes that saved my life. Him.
His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his love.
The way he holds me in his arms. I have never felt more at home than when I am in those strong arms. His scent. The caring gestures and cuddles.
Happy accidents lead me to him. He is the last thing I see in my mind and I am okay with this ending. This is my ending and I am fine with the events leading me here. Bleeding out after betrayal.
~end of  memory~

To be honest I was waiting for this moment. I couldn't stand being around him anymore. He was such a brat. He wanted things his way all the time. He was  so naive. He really trusted me so easily. Seeing the knife plunge into his body and watching him crumple to the floor left me with such a level of satisfaction that I didn't know was possible. Seeing the look of utter betrayal in his eyes was priceless. In the end I guess it was a good thing that Jason couldn't pull this off. It made it so I could savor it. He was such a stupid kid. I don't feel bad that he got in the crossfire because he deserved it. He got things for free. He was served life on a silver platter and didn't have to go through the things I did. Prissy little kid. The boss will be pleased with my success. The pastel boy is gone. I left him bleeding out on the floor. With the lotus of course. He  will have to lay there bleeding out and thinking about what he's done. Hoping his daddy will come rescue him from this like always. But this time he won't. He doesn't know his precious little boy is bleeding out. By the time he finds out his little boy will be dead. Gone. For good.

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