Chapter 21

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Cat's P.O.V

The plan was simple really. Once I had fully figured out the guard's rotation it became increasingly clear how easy it would be to pull this off. I just had to be quick. I had to be 60 seconds quick. I know I can do it. Jason is really no help. He really has fallen for our target. His feelings complicate things for sure but I won't let his weakness stop me from completing my mission. He isn't worth the boss' effort and resources. If it wasn't a direct order for both of us to come back alive I'd kill him and get this job done without any interference from him. I just need to make sure I have all the required items to pull this off. The boss would not be pleased if I killed this boy without leaving his signature. The lotus was crucial to the entire plan. Luckily I already found one. Tomorrow had to be the day. I have to strike tomorrow. I can't wait any longer. I can't stand being around that brat any longer. He is such a little baby. He honestly isn't worth all this planning. But I know he is collateral to get to our real target. I still can't believe the boss is going to such great lengths to get to this guy. What did he even do to the boss to make him this angry? Killing his lover was of course all the boss' idea but I can't help but think that this is a little overkill. It would be just as effective to hold him hostage and threaten the guy. I'm not disagreeing with the boss that this kid is incredibly annoying, but I really don't think killing him is going to solve the issue. I really think it'll enrage the guy. I've seen first hand how protective he is over the kid. I need to stop questioning the boss and carry out the plan. The kid needs to die with the lotus. The boss assured me that the target will understand who did it. He said that the guy will come after him so we all need to be prepared to defend the boss. The target was apparently lethal and would stop at nothing to protect what is his, at least according to the boss. But I don't truly believe that he is lethal. Sure he is very overprotective but as soon as he got the guards for the boy he was visibly relaxed. He let his guard down and I could tell he left secure in the situation at hand. He trusted me which is obviously a mistake on his part but makes my job so much easier. It's Jason whom he doesn't trust and honestly it only makes reporting to the boss all the better. The boss trusted Jason to be the lead in this operation, but every time I report to the boss about what's happening it is clear he made a mistake on the lead. But despite his choices I will get the job done and make the boss happy. With my success he will be more likely to make me the lead on future operations.

The Next Day...

Today is the day. It has to be today. I have to wait for the target to go to work and then I can take out his precious baby.

Dan's P.O.V

Everything had been going pretty well. Sure the guards were a little much, but Daddy promised me that they were only temporary. He was worried that something would happen while he was gone and these guys being here was the only way he could assure that nothing would happen. I don't like being looked at by so many people but if it makes Daddy happy then I won't complain too much. I mean at least I still have to hang out with Cat. She is really nice and Daddy seems to really trust her. Jason comes by now and again. Daddy still doesn't trust him but that's okay because I do. I've been having so much fun with Cat but I really miss my Daddy when he goes to work. I'm happy that we get to spend all weekend together. Daddy hasn't left my side all weekend and that makes me really happy. He sends the guards away when he is home. I don't see Cat on the weekends because Daddy wants us to spend lots of time together. We do lots of stuff together. I love watching Disney movies with my Daddy because he is my Prince Charming. He swept me off my feet and saved me. He makes me feel happy and safe. But the weekend is over. Tomorrow is Monday and I have to face my first day without Daddy. I wish I could turn back time so Daddy and I could spend more time together.

The Next Day...

Today is Monday and I really feel like Garfield. We both hate Mondays and love lasagna. Daddy doesn't let me have coffee because he said I'd be bouncing off the walls. But I think I'd like it too much and be even more like my orange cat friend. I wish I could stay in my blankie fort all day with Daddy but he's getting dressed for work and I won't see him until later tonight. But at least I get to see Cat today.


Welcome back guys! I know I said I'd be updating more, but with the current state of the world I've been drowning in coursework, balancing my time with my partner, binging Criminal Minds, and dealing with my lack of a job. Currently I am on season 13 of Criminal Minds and I turned 19 more than a month ago. I now have 8 tattoos and I am slowly finding myself coming out of my writer's block that has been here since my sophomore year of high school. To put this into perspective I am in the second semester of my first year of college. I had written religiously pretty much every day for 4 years then I had a falling out with a friend that made my creativity disappear. I'm finally getting out of it and I'm very happy to finally be getting back to the things I love to do. Okay enough rambling here's your questions! Oh also I'm putting in a place to ask me a question. I will do my best to answer any question as long as it won't ruin the story.

Why is the boss coming after Phil?

What is going to happen to Dan?

Questions for me?

-Author Lady xoxox

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