chapter 13

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Phil's p.o.v
I went up to check on Dan after Jason and I' s petty cuddle. When I got to the bedroom Dan was fast asleep, but his face was stained with tears.

Thinking he had a very bad nightmare, I shake him awake. "Baby, are you okay? Baby?" I say concerned. He opens his eyes and immediately jumps out of bed to the other side of the room. "Dan, sweetheart, what are you doing?" He didn't reply. Instead he sunk to the ground and sobbed. He just sat on the ground with his head in his hands and sobbed.

I, obviously very worried about my little prince, went to comfort him. The second I wrapped my arms around him, he scooted away, screaming "Don't touch me!"

Hurt washed over me in waves. "What's going on?"

A/n im so sorry this is short. Im trying to get on an uploading schedule. You guys deserve it for bearing with us throughout these busy weeks. We love you guys so much!!!

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