Chapter 17

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Phil's P.O.V

In the end, it was obvious why Jason was here. He was after my money. Why else would he show up here? At this specific house. It made so much more sense than his half-assed attempt at a sob story. If he ever expected me to believe it he'd have to try harder. The other obvious thing was that he was aiming to take Dan down. I knew from the way he tried to get close to me. Dan was always the one people like to talk to. I mean why wouldn't you? His pastel, soft personality and look make him seem more approachable. Me on the other hand, not so approachable. Jason clung onto me. He has to go before he ends up hurting Dan. I don't know what I'd do if Dan got hurt. He's my princess, my baby boy, basically, the only reason I am okay with life. Jason needs to leave me and my precious baby alone. I know Dan won't let him leave that easily. I'm going to have to make Jason slip up in front of Dan. That's the only way Dan will see how much of a snake this guy is. The only thing I haven't figured out entirely is why. I know it's my money, but why else. How did he find my house? Who sent him? He can't be doing this alone.

Dan's P.O.V

Saying that daddy doesn't like Jason is the understatement of the century. He detests him. It gets kinda scary with all the glaring. I'm the only nice person in the entire house. Sometimes I feel like the passage of time is irrelevant. I never know what day it is with all the glaring and tight-lipped smiles. We run through the same monotonous motions every day. Daddy took some time off work because Jason still isn't okay from when he showed up at the door all hurt and bleeding. Jason seems very interested in daddy. I mean who wouldn't be? Daddy is handsome, strong, and mysterious. He is mysterious in so many ways. The biggest mystery in our relationship is his job. He says he owns a company. He never tells me what that company does or even what the sell. I trust that daddy isn't a criminal or something like that. So I don't really care. I love him and it doesn't matter how he makes his money. As long as I get to spend it.

Jason's P.O.V

Phil doesn't trust me. I can sense it. I have already failed my mission. He doesn't trust me, in fact, I think he suspects that I'm up to something. However, the stupid disposable pastel one trusts me. That was his second mistake. The first being ever letting me into the house. That will be his last mistake.


So guys. How was that chapter? Sorry, I took so long. Hope it was worth it!

Questions for the chapter:

What is Phil's business?

What is Jason going to do to Dan?

-Author Lady xoxoxo

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