Chapter 9

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Dans p.o.v
Daddy is off at work, which means I'm home alone. I flip through tv stations, not really finding anything interesting. I settle on some random show about a family that happens to be modern.
Just then, a knock came at the door and it made me jump. I go to open it and a man I've never seen before is standing there clutching his side. "U-um who are you?" I ask getting anxious. "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm hurt really bad." He says in a deep, husky voice. He takes one of his hands off his side and shows me the blood. I want to throw up, but that wouldn't help either of us.
I help him inside without a second thought.
I lay him on the couch and start to get the first aid kit.
I go back to him with all the first aid things. "C-can you take your shirt off, please" I ask. He takes his shirt off, revealing a chiseled 6 pack. I got work on his wound and tried to make small talk. "So what's your name?" I ask, not wanting to argue with Daddy later that I let in a complete stranger and took care of him. For all I know he's a murder rapist coming to rip me a new asshole. (Not that Phil wasn't doing that anyway) "The name's Jason" he replies. "What's your name, cutie?" He says cooly. My eyes go wide and my face turns red. The small pet name probably meant nothing and besides I have a dom/partner already. "D-dan" I say, flustered. "A beautiful name for a beautiful boy" he says flirtatiously. I say nothing, but I just know my face is deep red.
I finish cleaning his wound and it turns out he needed stitches. While I was stitching him up he didn't even cry out in pain. 'This should be a red flag' I think.

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