Characters Reference

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Note to the text:

THIS IS A 1ST DRAFT Check out the  NEW Draft

This fan fiction kind of picks up around ch 120ish So if you haven't read it all the way through, there may be some spoilers. Nothing big will be spoiled it will mostly be my own story. If you have not read the manga or watched the anime I suggest you watch/read My Hero Academia other wise known as Buko no Hero Academia. There are lots of characters as well which is why I made this chapter.

None of the art is mine, all rights belong to the original owners.

Lastly please if you choose to comment respect these few rules and regulations. The fact that I felt the need to put them here is bad enough. I have been runing into some problens with a few people in the comments if it becomes overbearing for me to have to monitor my own book, I'll erase it completely. No one wants that.
Just a little FYI I do try and read each comment even if I don't respond. And I love to see your reactions to my book so comments are good, they are fun, they make friends. Don't let the rules scare you and don't be shy, comment!

Now back to the nitty-gritty!

1) Please no swearing if you can help it I understand that sometimes there is no other way to put things into words without swearing. The only reason this is here is because I know some people find it a bit offense. If you do feel the need to swear just know there absolutely no F-bombs alright?

2) Be kind and Be respectful. I cannot express how important this rule is. It is the most important one in my opinion. Know there is a fine line between teasing and bullying. I will not tolerate any mean comments. If you want to criticize me or my writing that's different. Be as mean and harsh as you want in that case. I won't get offended. However the second you attack me as a person or someone else then we have a problem.
(Calling me evil and horrible for doing mean things to the characters that does not count) Just don't insult others or be rude. Words have a greater impact then you know. Even if you can't see the other person you can still hurt them with what you say. Once again please RESPECT one another.

3) Arguments are okay as long as you keep it respectful. Everyone can disagree on different things. You can say, I don't like this, this should change, I feel like this should have happened, your OTP isn't my favorite, I think blah blah blah, and So on. You can't say you are a *&#/^* and a !/&**, you should go die, or you are stupid for saying ~~~~~ and what not.
I think you are all old enough to get the picture and understand the line between respectful and just plain mean/rude.

4)Suggestions, Question, and corrections are welcome! I'm not perfect and I often make mistakes especially when I'm writing. If something is written wrong or weird feel free to point it out. If you have an idea I'd love to hear it. If you don't understand what's going on tell me and I can rewrite it and clarify anything you don't understand.

5) I try to comment back and I'm always open of you want to contact me through PM. Don't be a stranger! Also if you don't feel comfortable commenting with in the comment section you can also PM me. I don't bite (hard).

Lastly I reserve the right to delete any comments I find rude, crude, and in any way offensive.

That's all please enjoy!

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