Thank You!

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I don't know if you know this or not but I originally started this as a one shot. I was going to do 3-6 Chapters of Deku turning bad and then stop. It was a spur of the moment thing and to be honest I wasn't going to continue it or make it long. However thanks to some awesome fan art and a huge response I thought to keep it going a while longer. YOU are the ones who made all this possible. You are the reason I kept going with this book. So I know I say this lots, but...

Thank You!!!!!!!!!

Special shout outs to awesome people!

Thank you VongolaX27 for being one of the first to find, comment, and vote on this book.

Thank you whennightbecomesday for being awesome and sticking with me!

Thank you Tim980 For yelling at me to continue when I was thinking about it ending it.

Thank you Anime0taku_Trash for being encouraging, engaging, commenting and just being an awesome fan!

Thank you Unknown_weird_ for giving my other stuff a try and being so kind and supportive!

Thank you TheRandomSilverette for you're suggestions and knowledge and pointing out flaws!

Thank you He9993 for sticking with me and being a great, supportive fan!

Thank you VespidSine My IRL friend and Editor, for helping me out all the time!

And Last but most certainly not least.... Thank you all those unmentioned readers. No matter what way, shape, or form, you contributed to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thanks for giving me over 2.8K read, 200+ votes and likes, over 200 comments, and giving me readers in over 8 different countries (including the USA, the UK, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, and many others). Thank you everyone one who reads, votes, comments, and enjoys my book(s). I love you!

It means more to me then you will ever know! Every time I publish I chapter I wonder, will they like it? Is it too short? I didn't write for a while will they still be reading it? Well they dislike the characters or how I portray them? Is the plot too predictable or cliche? And so on...

Then to get lots of reads, comments and likes soon after I post, makes me feel calm, happy, excited and motivated. It's what gets the next chapter out sooner. Everything helps me! So please feel free to speak out, reach out, and continue being awesome!

Now you know the secret to getting more chapters out sooner ;)
I also want you to know that I do read EVERY comment even if I don't respond. I take everything into consideration and never take offense so don't be afraid to talk to me I love it! (Senpei does notice you!)

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