Chapter twenty one-Sweet, Sweet Cassidy

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I never ended up hearing from Cassidy last night and today wasn't normal either.

We were starting the school day with a parade. This never happened on a Friday. What was going on?

I sat at the back of the hall like I did every other parade. It had just became a habit because I couldn't stand people sitting behind me when I used to have psychosis. I was good now though. Thanks to Cassidy.

Thinking about Cassidy, I hadn't seen her around yet? I'm so confused. Cassidy always came up to me before the bell went for school to start. Where in the world is she?

The principal silenced the students in the hall. Great, another long a boring speech from the principal. Everyone's favourite.

The principal began talking with a more serious face than usual.

"Dear students and staff, I regret to inform you all that a fellow student of ours is no longer with us. Cassidy Millers died at 7pm last night when she was caught up in a car accident."

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This couldn't be happening. Not Cassidy. No.

Every noise became a blur. I couldn't tell what the principal was saying next.

I raced outside. I began to break down. How could I lose her? Sweet, sweet Cassidy.

Tears began falling down my face. I choked on each breath. Hearing this news was pure pain. It was physically hurting.

It was just me and the pain. Cassidy's gone. I'm alone. Alone with the pain.

It was all my fault. This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't met me. If I had of just kept to myself and not kept talking to her. If I hadn't of opened up to her that I liked poetry this wouldn't have happened. I was the reason why we were going to that stupid poetry night. We were going there because of me.

I buried my head into my hands even more. My eyes slowly going red from crying so hard.

"She really liked you, you know. Everyday she'd come into the art room and tell me all about how her master plan was going while she painted you. You meant the world to her. She'd do anything for you," Miss Leary quietly told me with one hand sitting on my shoulder, "It's going to be tough. I know. But you can do it. Cassidy believes in you. I believe in you. You're welcome in my classroom anytime. Now, come on, lets take you to the guidance officer."

Choking back a sob, I shakily got to my feet. I barely remember walking to the guidance officer's room. I felt so out of it. It was like half of me was missing.

Forget that. Half of me IS MISSING! I don't know what to do anymore.

I feel so lost.

So cold...


Sorry, I just couldn't not make Cassidy die.

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