Keys and Arguments

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Riley's POV

I was woken up by the sun shining into my eyes.
Ugh! I was still tired!
After turning around for about ten minutes, I stood up.

I walked to my dresser rubbing my eyes.
I opened the door of my dresser and pulled out some casual clothes.

I was about to walk out of my room to get changed in the bathroom, when I heard a door click.
Emily was awake, I turned around deciding that I still wasn't ready to face Emily.
I would let her go into the bathroom first, she had college anyway, so she had to get ready first.

I put the pile with my clothes on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed waiting.
I took my phone and saw a message from Ash.

Ash ♡ : Hey Ri, want to meet after my shift?
Riles : sure, when does your shift end?
Ash ♡ : 6 pm
Riles : okay

After putting my mobile back.
I decided to take a risk and leave my room.

With my clothes in my hands I walked to the bathroom, balancing my clothes on my right hand, whilst opening the bathroom door.
I slipped into the bathroom and closed the door after me.
I heard flatware clink and knew that Emily was eating breakfast.

I changed into my clothes, washed my face and brushed my hair leaving the bathroom with my pajamas.
I put my pajamas in my room and took my phone.

I fake scrolled my screen walking into the kitchen.
If I was busy, we wouldn't have to talk to each other.

From the angle of my eye I could see Emily stopping to eat her bread and staring at me.
I walked over to a cupboard, my eyes still glued on my phone and took a plate out and put it on the table in front of her.
Then I walked to a drawer and took a knife out, trying to not stumble over my feet.

I reached the table sat down put my phone on the table and tried to put butter on my bread without taking my eyes of the phone.
I could feel her eyes on me.

"You are ridiculous", she told me sincerely, her voice cold.
I sighed and looked at her putting the knife on my table.
"And you acted ridiculous yesterday", I told her.

"You annoyed me".
"I didn't come back so late, you clearly overreacted", I commented.
"Riley, when do you get it, it wasn't about coming late", she yelled.
I was confused, how should I know about what she was talking about, I hadn't any clue.

"Then what was it about, tell me Emily!", I screamed back at her.
"You..You won't talk with me about your feelings, you used to always talk with me about everything, now you're just hiding your feelings, I want to know what's on your mind", she screamed banging her hands on the table making my knife fall of the plate.

"What feelings Emily, I am always sincere with you. I tell you everything, about what are you talking", I asked screaming, desperation in my voice.
She was annoying me.
What was she even talking about?

"I'm talking about James, Since nine months I am waiting for you to tell me how you're feeling?
You won't cry, you won't talk about it, you are always avoiding this conversation and I am sure you need this.
You need to talk to someone about it.
You can't keep your feelings hidden.
Talk to me.
I am here for you.
You can't seriously tell me that you don't feel anything about this situation", she screamed at me.

"Emily, what situation? I can't tell you, because I don't feel anything.
I was always sincere with you and I don't know why you're always picking this conversation up.
I am not avoiding this conversation. I am just sick of you talking about him slowly I am thinking you're the one that is hurt, cause seriously I don't give a damn about him.
I only think about him, when you mention him, but I am not hiding any of my feelings.
I am sick of this, I'm out, call me when you're normal again", I screamed so loud, that the neighbors could probably hear me.

I stood up taking my jacket and storming out of the apartment without keys, money and my phone.
I ran down the stairs and only stopped when I was outside.
Okay now where would I go?

Ash was probably already at work and I didn't want him to lose his job, just because I needed to talk, so I just walked to the park and sat down at a bench.

I knew it was stupid to be so upset, because of this, but why did my sister always annoyed me with this topic.
She was always interfering in my life.
If she liked James that much, then she should go back to Toronto and marry him.

I think it was the longest day of my life.
I literally just stared the whole day at people that walked through the park.

I was looking at a woman, who was out with her dog, when I heard Ash call:"Riley!, hey why aren't you answering your phone".
He ran over to me.
"I'm sorry I left it at home and I don't have a key, so I can't get it back", I told him.
"Are you okay?", he asked.
"Sure", I said.
"Riley", he said and then...

"But why didn't you came over to the cafe?", Ash asked me.
We were walking to my house, whilst talking about Emily and mine argument.
"Because you were working and I wasn't going to interrupt you with my insignificant problems", I told him.
"Your problems are not insignificant and you know that I am always there for you", he informed me resting and arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"I know, I know, but you could lose your job and you need the money".
"Who cares about the job", he said stroking my shoulder, whilst we walked past a man with a black hat.
"I do and you should too", I said.
He laughed and said:"But I don't I only care for you", he said and I smiled.

"Alright we're here, do you want me to go inside with you?", he offered.
"No it's alright. I need to talk to her alone, but thanks", I said he pulled me into a big hug and kissed my cheek giving me a encouraging smile, before I rang and entered the building.

"Hey", I said entering the apartment.
Emily was standing in front of me.
"Hi, look I don't want to fight anymore, I think I exaggerated, I am just worried about you", she said.
"I don't want to fight too, I appreciate you worrying about me, but I am fine really", I assured her.
We smiled and hugged then it was time for dinner and this time a much more comfortable one.

I know I took an eternity to update and this chapter isn't that special, but I have lots of school projects and I don't find time for myself.
I hope the next update will come quicker, but alright hope you enjoyed.

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