Sobbing and Yelling

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This chapter is dedicated to this two great people. Thank you for commenting on my Romione book. There is barely anybody reading my Romione book and to see you two commenting just makes my day. 💕❤❤

Flashback: 9 months ago

I walked as quickly as I was able to, without running. I immediately spotted him. He was sitting in the corner of the waiting room holding Christina in his arms, who was sobbing.

I sat down next to them not really sure what you should say in such a situation. Ash looked over to me and tried to smile, but miserably failed at it. "No news?", I asked. He shoke his head and sighed.

He was trying to be strong for Christina, but I could see in his eyes and at the way his hands were shaking, that it was being really hard for him to hide his emotions. 

"Do you want me to get you two anything?", I asked him carefully. "No, I just need you to stay here with us", he said and his voice was different, he sounded weak and tired.

I nodded and grabbed his hand squeezing it gently. Then a door from a room was opened and Ash and Christina stood up. I took Christina by the hand pulling her over to me, whilst Ash walked over to the nurse and asked her about his mum.

"We can't really tell you if she will get better, but you should know that she is very lucky. She had a great big live". I was shocked why was the nurse talking like Lia was already dead. Ash continued talking with the nurse and walked then back to Christina and me.
"It's all your fault!", Christina yelled at Ash.

"No, Christina why would it be Ash's fault. It's nobody's fault", I defended Ash.
Ash sighed. "It is his. Dad came back home yesterday. He stood in front of the door and Ash didn't let me talk to him. He yelled at him. He could have helped us. Help mum, but Ash is always just thinking about himself", she yelled.

"He left us Christina. You were just one year old, and he left us because he was selfish and then mum got cancer, and he wasn't here to help us. So why would we need him now?", Ash asked calmly.
"Because if mum dies I will have no parents, and then they will pick me up and bring me into a children's home. He doesn't even know that mum has cancer. I'm sure that he would have stayed at home with us if he knew", she yelled back.

Luckily we were the only ones in the waiting room. I looked at Ash. He turned around and walked out of the room.

"I'm going after him, you stay here", I told Christina and walked out too.

Once I was outside I immediately spotted Ash sitting in his car.

Sorry guys I know it took me forever to update. Please forgive me. As you probably already guessed this is the beginning of the Car Chats flashback. I'm having some trouble with updating two books. I really enjoy writing chapters for my Romione boo, but it just takes me a lot of time, since the chapters are huge. I'm not really motivated to write for this book. I know, I know then why do I write? But I feel like I need to end this book for you guys. I know that you would be dissapoinyed if I didn't finish this one. So I will. Cause nothing is like starting a book on wattpad just to it suddenly being put on hold. So well, what else should I tell you. Ehm go read my other books I guess, especially my Romione book, like I daid the chapters are huge, so you will have a lot to read.

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