Christmas present

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Riley's POV

"I think we should tell your sister", Ash said.

We were sitting on the couch at home and were watching a movie, we had been doing nothing the whole day and it felt incredible.
Emily had been at home ten minutes ago, but she was bored and decided to go meet up with Amanda at Java Junction.

"She already knows", I told him.
"Riley, you know what I mean", he said.
"She won't be able to help me", I said not taking my eyes of the TV.

I wasn't in the mood to talk about this topic again, since yesterday Ash had been forcing me to talk to him.
"She would be if you would agree to listen to her idea", he said looking at me, trying to make me to look at him, but I wasn't.
"I am not crazy".
"I know you're not crazy, no one is saying you're crazy, what you have is a little problem, but sou can go to therapy and I am sure they can help you there", he assured me.

"Ash, I'm sick of you and Emily bothering me, I am fine, I am never thinking of it, before you two bring up the topic", I told him.
He was quiet now, probably sensing that he wasn't going to convince me.
"Thank you", I said and continued watching the movie, but this time in complete silence.

First the silence was okay, but I wasn't the type of person, who liked to watch movies, without talking.

I loved to watch movies and talk about the movie or make fun of the characters, but this wasn't happening right now.
The movie was nearly ending and no one was talking.
It was kind of my fault, since I told him not tot talk to me, but it was his fault too, he knew I didn't like to talk about that topic and nevertheless brought it up.

"This is strange, I'm sorry okay?, but with you guys always reminding me of my problem, it gets hard to relax a little", I explained whilst looking at him, searching for some eye contact.
I din't have to wait long her turned around to me and I was relieved not to see any kind of anger in his eyes.
He just smiled and said:"It's okay I was just thinking".
So we continued watching the movie, but this time with loud laughing.

"Did you call Christina?", I asked Ash when he came back to the living room.
We had just finished dinner ten minutes ago and then he had excused himself and walked to my room to call somebody.
"Yes, she, mum and Lucie went Christmas shopping", he said smiling a little.
I smiled too asking:"When are you going back?"
"Tomorrow, I would really like to stay longer, but they need me and Lucie can't stay any longer, because she has to go back to work", he explained.

"It's fine, but then I guess I have to go give you your present after Christmas, cause I still haven't got anything", I confessed.
"First you know you don't need to buy me anything and second if you want to give me the best present ever, then please go with your sister to a psychologist, you know it will help you and if it's really that bad in there then you don't have to return", he told me.
I looked at him thinking about this, whilst he sat next to me on the couch.

It was silent I was thinking about whether or not I should go to a psychologist.
Ash was right, maybe it could help me.

"Alright I do it", I agreed and you could easily tell, by the surprised look on his face that Ash wasn't expecting me to agree.
He jumped up pulled me up to and hugged me.
"That's great Riley"
I just laughed.
On one side I was happy to see Ash this exciting, but on the other side I was nervous,to really go see a psychologist.

As soon as Emily arrived Ash made sure to tell her that I had agreed to go with her to a psychologist, so that I hadn't any chance to duck out of it.

Emily was nearly as excited as Ash was.
They just talked the whole evening about how much it would help me.
So the relaxed and fun day it had once started had got the most boring and difficult day I had ever went through.

After listening to them for what seemed like an eternity I excused myself and went to bed.
At least here I could be in peace.

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