Christmas Plans

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Riley's POV

"Have you heard about mum and dad recently?", I asked Emily at breakfast.
"Not really", she said biting into her bread.
"I kinda miss them", I confessed.
I hadn't miss them for about 11 months, because I was with Emily and she was my family, so it seemed normal, but now that Christmas was coming I missed having them around me.

"I miss them too, how about we're going to Toronto for December, to be with them on Christmas Eve and New Year", Emily proposed to me.
"Yes, that would be really great", I agreed.
"Alright, I call mum, she will be so happy", Emily said standing up and walking out of the kitchen to call my mum.
I smiled at the thought of seeing my mum and my dad soon.

I was sitting on my bed reading a book I had bought, when Emily entered my room.
"I called mum and she said we should definitely visit her and she also told me that she missed us a lot", she told me.
I smiled and put my book on the bed.

"Then I better go buy some presents", I said standing up.
"I go with you", Emily said standing up and following me.
We took our things and drove to the mall.

"I think mum would like this perfum, what do you think?", Emily asked me showing me a pink bottle.
"Yes, I think she will like it", I agreed walking past the perfume section to the jewellery.

I wasn't thinking to buy jewellery for my mum, but we were already since one hour searching for the perfect present and I was getting tired.
"Riley, where are you going, I need your opinion", Emily asked following me.
"I just want to look at the jewellery", I informed her looking at a necklace with a little fake diamond, that was really pretty.
"You're not really helping me", Emily said satnding next to me looking at the necklace.
"I know".

My thoughts ran back to Ash's situation, why did his life had to be so difficult?
"And how is Ash?", Emily asked frabbing some earrings and looking at them.
"Good I's difficult", I told her sighing.

"I wouldn't like to be in his shoes", Emily admitted putting the earrings back to their place.
"Me neither, it's just that I want to help him, but I don't know why.
Everytime I suggest a little thing to help him, like pick up his little sister, he turns my offer down and says that this are his problems and that I shouldn't worry, I just want to help you know?", I explained.

"Yes I know, I think he just fears that you could leave him, because of his problems".
"I know, but I won't.I just don't know how to explain it to him".
We sat down on a seat bag that was there to try on shoes.
"Just talk to him
"I will, I still have to tell him that we will go to Toronto for December".

"Then go now, I buy the present for you", she commanded.
"You're right, thanks", I said jumping up on my feet and leaving the store and then the mall, since Emily drove me here and I still hadn't got my driver license I had to wait for the bus.

I was standing in front of Ash's house and rang the door waiting for him to open the door.
I knew that today was his day off from work, what didn't happen that often, so I felt quite bad to disturb him on this day.
The door was opened and Ash was standing behind it.
He smiled when he saw me and I entered the house.

I think that he instantly knew that I wanted to talk about something serious, cause he didn't even greeted me before we walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa.
"Is everything okay?", he asked me sounding concerned.
"Yes, it's just that I want to talk to you", I told him.

"I want to help you and I want you to let me help you. I want you to realize that I won't leave you and that I'm here for you", I told him.
I was looking into his eyes and he smiled after hearing what I had told him.
"I really want too, but I don't feel very well with you spending your time in solving my problems", he admitted.
I took his hands in mine and he looked down at our hands.
"It's okay, let's try this out, alright?", I proposed.
"Fine", he said and looked up smiling.

I took my hands from his and said:"I came here to tell you something else too, Emily and I are going to spend the December in Toronto with my family, we really miss them and I think it will be nice to breathe some Canadian air again", I informed him.
His smile faded and a worried look replaced it.
"But Riley are you sure I mean what if...", he was about to say, when I interrupted him.
"Why should it happen, it only happens, when you're with me, so I should be alright", I reassured him.
"You're sure?", he asked.

"Where is Christina?", I asked him after chatting for a while.
"She is in Mum's room doing a puzzle with her".

"I think I need to go, I still have a suitcase to pack and we're planning to drive in two days", I said standing up and walking to the hall.
He followed me.
"Alright I'm going to miss you", he said.
"I'm going to miss you too".
We hugged and I walked back home.

"Hey there", Emily said entering my room , with the biggest smile ever.
"Hi", I said amused about her happiness.
I was kneeling on the floor, packing my suitcase and she sat on my bed watching me.
"Oh, I am so excited", she squealed.

"We are only going to Toronto", I told her packing a pair of dark blue jeans into my suitcase.
"Yeah,but you're here since eleven months and I am here since college started, so I really miss home".
I packed my sweater into the suitcase and looked around searching for my phone charger.
When I found it I stood up and walked over to the desk picking it up.

"I bought a really pretty necklace for you to give mum, I think she will like it", she told me.
"Okay, I give you the money later".
We kept talking whilst I continued packing my suitcase and my excitement to see my parents definitely grew in that time.

Emily and Riley are going to Toronto, who do you think will they meet there?
I am so excited that I can finally write about the month in Toronto and I hope you guys are too, but at the same time I am sad to leave Ash, I kind of like him already.
I made Ash his own story and even if I hven't really revealed what the problem in his life is, I am sure some of you guys already know it, but don't spoil it to the others;)
I already said that I can't watch the Next Step and I am literally dying.
I want to watch it so badly!, I am always afraid of seing spoilers on youtube or on wattpad that I sometimes won't even look at my phone.
But alright enough, hope you enjoyed, leave nice comments, like you always do!
Love you guys

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