Dance with me

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Riley's POV

Ash and I were in the studio and I was dancing whilst he was sitting on the floor watching me.
He had insisted that I should dance, so that was what I was doing.
I stopped dancing and he clapped his hands, I bowed down and said:"Thank you my fans", before laughing and trying to calm down my breathing.
"How about I go pick up some juices?", he offered standing up.
"That's a great idea, I want grape please".
He nodded and walked out of the studio.

"You still dance awesome", someone said entering the studio.
I turned and saw James coming in smiling.
"Thank you, I didn't saw you", I said smiling.
"Yeah I am like a ninja", he said grinning.
I laughed and said:"Alright ninja, what are you doing here?".

"You know just hanging out", he said.
"All by yourselve?", I asked laughing.
"Yeah", he said smiling his James smile.

"I have the juices", Ash said entering, when he saw James he stopped in his tracks.
I took my eyes of James and looked at Ash.
They were both standing there looking at each other and it was getting a little awkward.
I walked towards Ash took the grape juice out of his hand and said:"Thanks", taking a sip from the juice not really tasting anything.

"Maybe I should let you two alone", James said ready to walk away.
"No it's okay, stay I was just showing Ash my dance skills", I joked laughing.
"Alright", James said and sat down on the spot where Ash had sat just five minutes ago.
Ash sat on one of the benches.

I was a little confused, what were they waiting for.
"Do you want to see me dance".
They both just answered nodding.
"Alright", I agreed and put my juice next to the bench Ash was sitting on and walked over to the stereo and turned on the music.

I just started dancing, but couldn't really relax, because they both were watching me so intently as if they were looking for a little mistake.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my hand that was on my hip, it was definitely James's.
What was he doing?
He was so close to me that I could feel his heartbeat against my shoulder, he took my hand in his and made a line with it in front of me and then placed it back just to lift me up and put me back so that I was facing him.
We were really close and...

James's POV

Riley had been dancing very tense so I couldn't resist to dance with her, now we were standing very close to each other and to be honest I wasn't caring that this Ash guy was watching us.
We had just stopped dancing and Riley was really close to me.

She looked up to me, but what I saw on her face wasn't the shy look or the uncomfortable one, no she was looking scared and now I was realising that she was breathing very heavy and I was sure it wasn't because of the dance, she was getting very pale and her look made me realize that she wanted to get out of my hold.

I let go of her and she started running.
"Riley", Ash said running after her.
"Hey", I tried to catch Ash's attention, but he didn't turn around, he just kept running after Riley.

What was going on?
Was Riley okay?
What had I done wrong?
Was she maybe feeling ill?

Even if I had the urge to follow her I stayed in the studio, her boyfriend was by her, she wouldn't need me.

A little update hope you enjoy it.

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