Christmas Eve Party Part 2

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James's POV

"I'm going to call Ash", Emily said taking out her cellphone.

"Why, your sister is having a panic attack and you are going to call Ash", I said confused and scared with the situation I was in.

Riley was still panicking and that was making me panick too.

"He is the only person who can help her in these situations", she explained, quickly dialing his number in her phone.

I stroked Riley's arm. I wasn't able to do anything else. Only Ash could help her, these words were burning in my mind. I so badly wanted to be the one to help her, but how?

I couldn't help her, because I wasn't the person who was by her side anymore. I was no one. I was not important anymore.

I looked at this unsecured and broken girl, who wasn't able to breathe properly. What happened to her?, Why was it happening to her? 

"He won't pick up, shit", Emily said angrily throwing her phone on the floor.
He wasn't going to pick up, I had to help her or else she would probably pass out.

"Riley, please tell me what you need, what can I do to help you?", I asked her desperately.

She didn't answer. It was like she couldn't hear me. I was scared for her. A tear ran down my cheek. Then I did the only thing I could think of. I pulled her to me and hugged her as tight as I could.

"Riley, please calm down. I am by your side", I tried calming her down.
"You're just saying always leave. You left me...when I most needed you", she said her voice shaking.

"This time it's different I won't leave you I promise", I assured her.
She looked up in to my eyes.
"I promise", I said and noticed how she relaxed into my arms.

She started breathing more normally again. I pulled her closer to me and closed my eyes. Ignoring all the A-Troupe members only focusing on Riley's breathing.

It felt so good to know that I had been able to calm her down, although I still wasn't sure about what had happened.

I was very confused about Riley's panic attacks, but I decided that this wasn't the right moment to talk this topic out.

"Hey guys, how about giving Riley and James some privacy?", Emily proposed and everybody agreed leaving us two alone.

Riley laid her arms around me too, so that we were now having a proper hug. I buried my face into her neck, smelling her unique fragrance.

She rested her head on my shoulder and it felt like we were a puzzle, that was finally made.

"Do you wanna talk about it now, or later?", I asked her quietly my hand stroking her back.
"I prefer to talk about it later, if you don't mind", she said.
"I don't".

I can't tell for how long we stayed there on the floor hugging, but I'm glad that I can't cause it felt like forever.

After breaking our hug, Riley stood up as quick as she could and walked off saying she was going to the bathroom.

I sighed. I was afraid of what she was going to tell me. I was afraid of having lost her forever. But the thing I was most afraid of was that she would never be able to forgive me for what I did to her.

It broke my heart when I thought about that girl, that looked a lot like Riley, but wasn't acting like Riley sitting on the floor having a panic attack.

My thought got interrupted by Emily entering Studio-A.
"Hey", she whispered.

She sat down next to me on the bench, and we both sighed.

"I know that Riley should be the one to tell you about this, but I don't think she can handle it, so I will do it", she announced.

I nodded and looked up.


                  To be continued ...

Haha I'm so awful. I let you guys wait forever for an update and then I end this chapter with a cliffhanger, but don't worry I 'm starting the next chapter today, so I hope it will be up for you to read soon.
I just want to write an own chapter for (well I don't know what to call it, but you guys probably know what I am talking about otherwise you will have to wait till the next chapter).
I want to thank you guys for sticking with me. I'm having a hard time( not that hard, but you know what I mean).
I 'graduated' from my old school about a week ago and I'm quite sad.
This year was a complete mess. School was only about writing the final exams and no one could really enjoy the last time with our class. I only focussed on passing these exams( what I fortunaltley did). After the exams we had only a short time to spend with the class. So when we had our graduation party it was very sad. (I cried about five time,😂I'm embarassing I know). But oh well I hope you guys understand and still are motivated to keep reading this story. Thank you

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