Lying and a Surprise

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Riley's POV

I was at the studio again, I just noticed how much I had missed this place.
I was dancing right now, but it wasn't the same.
I had stopped to dance as much as I did before and now it seemed as if I had forgotten every move I had learned.
I stopped and wiped away the sweat from my forehead with my hand whilst breathing heavily.

Suddenly a pair of arms laid around my waist and I knew exactly who this person was.
I turned around hugging Ash.
"What are you doing here?", I asked my breathing still not going back to its normal pace.
"Lucie is stays with mum and Christina for the rest of December, so I thought I could come and visit you for some days", he told me.
I smiled and hugged him again.

James's POV

I was just bored and wanted to dance a bit in studio-A to maybe distract myself from thinking about Riley the whole time.
But what I saw when I entered the studio, made me stop in my tracks.
Riley was there hugging a boy.

He was tall, had brown hair and was smiling at her whilst saying something, what made her smile.
Who was that?

I walked over to them not able to stop myself.
"Who are you", I asked sounding harsh.
He let go of me and Riley turned to me surprised of seeing me here.

"Hi I am Ash", he introduced himself holding his hand up for me to shake.
"Ash this is James, my friend and James this is Ash my boyfriend", Riley introduced us.
I wished I could change the names in front of the friend and boyfriend.

She had a boyfriend.
She moved on, how should I get her back, if she was already in a relationship with someone else?

Riley looked at me and the at Ash's hand trying to tell me to shake his hand.
I sighed taking his hand and shaking it.
He looked first at me then at Riley and I took my hand of his.

"Ehm, alright maybe we should go Ash, I want to show you Java Junction where the best juice in the entire world are made", she said and then dragged him after her.

Riley's POV

"Why Riley?", Ash asked me as soon as we sat down at Java Junction.
"He nearly broke my hand", he said.
"Sorry okay, I had to, he was always looking at me and acting all strange, it was the only way of getting a little less staring", I told him.

"Look at my hand", he said showing me his hand that was red.
"I know, he is a little overprotective", I told him sipping my juice.
"A little?", he asked laughing.

"How many people have you lied to?", he asked me.
"Just him".
"And what are you going to say if he tells someone that we're in a relationship?", he asked playing with the juice bottle in his hands.
"The same", I answered smiling.
He sighed.

"I'm sorry, but this is the perfect moment to show me how much you like me", I told him.
He didn't answer just looked at me.
"Come on!", I begged him.

"Oh alright, but you owe me", he accepted.
"Thank you", I said standing up and laying my arms around him.

Yes I lied to James, Ash and I aren't a couple, he is just my best friend, but he was always looking at me like he had the hope to get more than just friends with me and I had to stop that.

James POV

"James!", someone shouted into my ear.
"What?", I said pushing West away from me.
"Eldon and I were talking to you for about an hour and you are sitting here and daydreaming", he said.

"And I know about who he was thinking the whole time, Riley!", Eldon mocked me.
"Riley", they both said in two ridiculous voices.
I shoved them both till they were lying on the floor, mocking me and laughing.

We were all in my room and were sitting on the floor or I was sitting they were lying.
"I love you Riley", West said to Eldon looking into his eyes.
Eldon took West hands in his and said:"I love you too James, now kiss me so that we can finally get back together and have six children", he whispered and they both started laughing like little kids.
I started laughing too whilst hitting them.

"I don't want six kids", I told them whilst laughing.
"You're right, eight kids are better", West said and they continued laughing.

"Guys stop, I will never have kids with Riley, because she already has a boyfriend and doesn't seem interested in me", I told them stopping to laugh.
They stopped laughing too and sat up again.
"Like really, who is it?", West asked.
"Some boy named Ash, I walked into A-Studio today and saw them hugging and then she introduced us", I told them.

"That sucks, but I'm sure you will win her back with your James charm", West said, making me grin.
"He's right James, you can't just stop loving someone", Eldon said.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that".

My little update, but I'm currently sick, so that was the only thing I could write in the minute that I wasn't feeling like sleeping.

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