I Want You To ...

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Riley's POV

I carefully opened the door. It was time to speak with him. I walked back into the studio. I saw him he was sitting on the bench. I couldn't see his face, and he still hadn't spotted me, what gave me more time to prepare myself for our talk.

I didn't have to talk to him. I owned him nothing. He was the one who broke my heart twice. If someone had to apologize it was him, but I knew that I had to talk, to finally get over it. I didn't deserve to suffer because of someone who didn't deserve me, and he definitely didn't.

"Riley?", he asked whispering, suddenly turning around facing me. Goose bumps formed on my arm, because of the way he said my name. He looked sad kind of broken. Why? Why was I feeling guilty?

"We need to talk", I told him. My voice sounded surprisingly strong, like I had practiced this sentence in front of the mirror.
He nodded silently. I walked over to him and sat down on the same bench, but left a small gap between us.

"Listen Riley, we don't need to have this talk. Emily already told me everything. I don't want you to suffer again", he said, his eyes focused on the wall in front of us.
All of a sudden tears started running down my cheeks and a whimper left my lips.

James turned to me.
"Riley, why are you crying?", he said with his soft voice.

And then it felt like everything I had held for so long in my body came out. I felt the pain when he left me for Megan. I felt the jealousy when he kissed her instead of me. I felt the loneliness when I moved out of Toronto away from him or even in the hospital when he left my room. Just everything.

"I don't want you to leave, when will you get it. I want you to stay with me, to hold me and to promise me that you won't leave again. I want you to look in my eyes, like you used to. I want you to make me laugh and grin, that stupid grin of yours. I want you to dance with me. I want us to be Jiley.

He was silent for a minute, and I was already thinking why I had said these stupid things, when he smashed his lips into mine, making me cry even worse. He laid his arms around me and pulled me into his lap, so that we were as close as it was possible.

He wiped away the tear of my cheeks and for the first time since the Breakup I didn't panic, because of how close I was to him. I felt relieved like finally all my anger and my sadness were gone completely, like I was free from all the feelings that haunted me. He broke our kiss and looked into my eyes.

"I will be always your James", he said and smiled. I smiled too and snuggled to his chest slowly breathing. I could hear his heart that was beating as fast as mine was. I sighed happily.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. I won't hurt you again I promise. I can't hurt you again, because I would die if I had to go through this hell again. I can't live without you. I can't tell you how many times I woke up in the middle of the night, because I had dreamed of you. I love you Riley", he said and a single tear run down his cheek. I smiled as wide as I could and kissed the tear away.

"I love you too. I've always loved you", I said, and he carefully grabbed my face and pulled me even closer to him and kissed me. If I had to decided which of these two kisses was the best, I would have never been able too. For the first time this year I was happy and I knew for sure that this time it would last forever.

Wow that was really hard. I worked so long to get to this one moment. It's been about a year since I started J(iley) The Breakup and now James and Riley are finally back together. Don't worry this won't be the last chapter there are still a few with some cute Jiley moments. I wouldn't just give you a lot of drama and then end it with some kisses. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you lots ❤❤❤

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