Ice Cream

497 22 3

James's POV

"Oh please, you know that I am a better Hip-Hop dancer, than you are".
"If you say so", Eldon says grinning.
"Why are you grinning?", I asked.
"Nothing. Nothing at all".
"Oh god I give up, I will never understand you", I said sighing.

"Actually no one does", a sweet voice whispered from behind me. I chuckled and turned around giving Riley a kiss.
"Hey, I heard that", Eldon said, pouting.
Now it's Riley's turn to chuckle.

"I thought we could go get some ice cream. Are you up for it?", she asked.
"Eldon, want to come too?", Riley asked.
"No, I pass. I can't stand you two acting so lovey-dovey", he made a grimace.
"He is just jealous".
"No, I'm not", he said in a sing-song voice, leaving us alone in Studio-A.

"How was dance?", I asked walking to the corner to get my dance bag.
"Great, I actually learned some acro-moves, but I am not sure if I will be able to do them again".
"Riley doing acro, surprising. I am impressed".
"Well I am not very good, so maybe not that surprising. How was your practice?", she asked, whilst we walked out of the building.

"Boring, the only good part was when Eldon smashed his head against the floor, whilst trying to pull off a break dance move I had showed him", I told her laughing.

"Sounds like Eldon, but why were you bored?", she asked, placing her tiny hand in mine. Just this small gesture made my heart beat faster. I couldn't explain it. It was like everything stayed new with Riley. No matter how many times we kissed or held hands, it always felt like the first time. 

"Ugh, I don't know I guess I just lost the passion I had for dancing".
"Don't say that", Riley replied.
"But it's true. I feel like I need to start something else. To experience new things".

Riley sighed.
"What?", I asked softly.
"It's just that we always end up breaking up, once one of us starts changing something...and I just...i just...ugh I just don't want us to break up again. I don't want us to ever break up. I know, I know I'm being silly, but..."
I interrupted her:" No you're not being silly. You are right changes lead to us breaking up, but that was in the past and believe me Riley when I promise you that neither this change nor others will separate us again. Alright?".

She nodded and smiled a little.
I turned her to me and pecked her lips.
"OK, well then let's go I know the perfect place to get ice cream", I said.

Hi :) How are you doing? Hope you are all doing well.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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