Catch up

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Riley's POV

I was talking to Amanda and Michelle.
It felt so good to catch up, it had been so long since I last saw them.
I had texted them now and then, but it was way better to be able to see them and talk face to face.
"And this Ash is he your boyfriend?", Michelle asked.

"Riley!", someone suddenly said, I turned around and saw Piper she ran over to me and hugged me.
I hugged her back.
"Hey Piper, how are you?", I asked her and we broke our hug.
"I'm good and how are you?", she asked me.
"I'm fine".

"When did you arrive in Toronto?", she asked me.
"Two days ago and I am returning two weeks after Christmas again", I told her.
"Oh no, I thought you would stay now", she said.
"I'm sorry, but my life is now in New York", I told her.

We four kept talking, when the three boys entered the A-Studio.
James walked over to me and then West and Eldon came too.

"We three had the idea that the old A-Troupe could celebrate Christmas Eve here together", James said.
It was a really good idea, I really missed Tiffany, Daniel and all the others of my dance family.
"It's a great idea, but what about Stephanie?", I asked them.
"She's coming to Toronto to visit her family too, I already texted her and she agreed", West informed me.
"That's so exciting, we're girls are going to prepare everything", Michelle said and Amanda and I nodded.
"And I am going to tell my sister about it, she should be in Java Junction", I said.

We were all very excited with the idea and started planning Christmas Eve.
Amanda volunteered to get the snacks and some food, Michelle said she would get the right music, West wanted to bring the movies and I decided for me and Emily to bring the drinks.
I was so excited to see the others again after such a long time.
It would be like a family reunion.

We had planned Christmas Eve and we were about to go to Java Junction, when James asked me if we could talk.
I nodded and turned to him waiting for what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry about yesterday"
What was he talking about?
"What are we talking about ?", I asked him confused.
"The kiss", he said looking surprised.
"Oh that, it's okay it's no big deal", I told him.
"Oh alright, yesterday it sure seemed like a big deal to you", he said.
"I overreacted, but I'm fine now".
"Okay, but sorry nevertheless", he said.
I nodded.

"Should we go? The others are probably wondering where we are", I asked linking my arm with his.
"Yes", he said looking down at our linked arms smiling.

James's POV

"And this was your idea?", Emily asked me.
I nodded.
"Congratulations James, your first good idea", she said making everyone laugh, even me.

"James tell us something we don't know about you", Emily ordered.
Everyone looked at me waiting for what I was going to confess, but my eyes were only on Riley, who was smiling.
I kept my eyes on her whilst saying:"Alright, you probably remember the casting for that model agency.
We had to vote either for Riley or Megan and even though Megan was my girlfriend back then I voted for Riley, but I never lied about that, nobody asked me".
They all looked a little surprised that I voted for Riley back then.
"Thank you", Riley said smiling to me.
I loved when she smiled, even more when she smiled at me, but this smile wasn't the one I wanted to get from her, it was just a smile you gave a good friend, but it was good for now.

"Okay how about playing truth or dare?", West suggested.
We agreed.
"I want to start, Riley truth or dare", Eldon asked.
"Dare", Riley chose smiling.

"Alright go to that boy that is sitting on the table behind you and sit down on his lap and kiss him for at least fifteen seconds", Eldon said.
Was he crazy?, Why Eldon.
He got a slap at the back of his head from West, what Riley happily not saw.

"I do it", Riley said smiling and stood up.
"What?", Emily asked not believing what her sister said.
"Yes, why not?, he looks cute", she said and walked over to the table.
I had the urge to go after her pull her to me and give her the biggest kiss ever.

The boy looked up to her and she sat on his lap and kissed him.
My hand formed to a fist and I had to hold myself to not just walk over to her pull her to me and punch that innocent boy.
I had never been so jealous of a stranger.

Riley finally stood up after what seemed like an eternity and smiled at the still confused boy before happily walking over to us.
Everyone at the table plus the boy was looking surprised at her and I never wanted to punch Eldon so bad.
He was such an idiot.

"Are you okay James?", asked Riley waking me up from my thoughts.
I was still thinking about the dare Riley had made ten minutes before.
I turned to her, smiled and said:"Yes I'm fine just daydreaming".
She smiled back and turned her head back to the others.

I had to admit that the day had been pretty cool, we all caught up and even if I spent nearly the whole time not really listening, I noticed that at least Riley seemed not be angry at me.
She seemed as if she was ready to be my friend, what wasn't really my propose, but it was a beginning.

"Bye everyone", Riley said waving her hand.
"Bye", we said and she left Java Junction.
Maybe someday it would all go back to normal.

I wish you all a happy new year, hope you all stay healthy and have a ton of luck.

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