Not a chapter

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I got tagged by @HarryStepTrittany, so thank you for that♡

1. Eye colour: blue (but people keep telling me they look green)

2. Favourite book: Six of crows/ Every Harry Potter book

3. Favourite book series: Harry Potter ♡

4. Favourite movie franchise: Harry Potter ( wow I think I am repeating myself)

5. Favourite in real life otp: I don't think I have one. May have forgotten it. :)

6. Favourite otp: Romione (Ron+Hermione), Jiley, Jamie+Claire (Outlander) and many more

7. Favourite movie: Harry Potter( sorry, it's not my fault that all the questions have the same answer), 10 things I hate about you

8. Favourite coulour: dark blue

9. Favourite TV show: Gossip Girl, Royals, TNS

10. Favourite games: Sims 3 and 4

11. Favourite sport: dancing (maybe badminton)

12. Favourite songs: half light, just a dream

13. Most important things in my life: my family, my friends and my books♡♡♡♡♡

14. Favourite hobbies: singing lessons, going to the gym, reading and writing

15. Favourite TV show host: Oh god I don't know. I don't even know any names ;)

16. Favourite subjects: english, music

17. Describe myself in 5 words: kind, loyal, creative, passionate, ambitious ( Ugh I hate describing myself, no matter what you say it sounds you love yourself)

18. Fact about me: I want to publish my own book one day

19. Favourite animal: giraffe, dog

20. One country I want to visit: Italy

Thank you once more to @)HarryStepTrittany for tagging me.

Since I don't have a clue about who has already done this tag and who don't, I tag anybody who is interested in doing this tag.
Hope you guys aren't too dissapointed, that this isn't a chapter.
Love you guys ♡

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