Chapter 14: Caught in the Law

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Alex's P.O.V. 

Wade walked me home after my small breakdown, awkwardly leaving me on the front step of my garage since I wasn't sure if he should stay or not. The worst part is when I got to my room and checked the camera monitors inside, he was still out there.

I smile to myself as I undress from the uncomfortable miniskirt, and change into some baggy sweatpants, and then replace my shirt with a hoodie. 

Maybe he does care.
Maybe he just wants to see if anyone's around before he murders us.

I sigh as I grab my laptop, and head over to my mattress in the corner, hunkering down between the duvet and the sheets, and wrapped in several pillows. 

Movies, or TV shows...such a hard decision.
That's what she said.
I knew you would say that...

I turn the volume up on my laptop, ready to watch the latest Harry Potter movie, illegally of course. That's who I am.
I different sound rings in my ears, causing my to close my laptop in an instant, listening for the sound. 

Shit, it's a siren. A police siren, and it's coming closer!

I jump up, racing to the camera monitors, slightly panicking at the thought of being caught by the fuzz.

How could they have found us?!
They couldn't have, there's never a trace of us left, and no one knows our identity..except..
Except Jake.
Little shit.
I'm going to shove my katana right up his ass, it'll be coming out through his mouth.

The monitor soon reveals three police cars, each at an angle facing towards my house, with Wade still sitting outside my garage door. He jumps up at the arrival of the cops, unsure of whether to escape, or try and talk his way out. 

He makes a break for it, with 3 cops leaping out of their cars, and following him in an instant. Meanwhile, 2 more are heading slowly towards the house, their handguns fully loaded, and ready for any trouble.
I lock the deadbolt on the hidden door, and wait for the worst.


Deadpool's P.O.V.

The luck that I have to even be near a girl like Alex, is unbelievable. She's probably the only one I could ever relate to...and I have to kill her. I suppose half a million dollars is nothing to scoff at, but I didn't think I'd ever actually get to know the girl. I should have asked for a higher price. This really isn't worth it.

We haven't gotten paid in months, we're basically broke.
Oh hush, we can live on dollar store pizza roles for years.
True. But don't you miss those sexy piles of cash?
They were pretty sexy...

The sound of a siren blares through the abandoned neighborhood, causing me to be on edge. The sound draws nearer as I slowly stand up from leaning against Alex's garage door. Three police cars show up, each right behind the last. 

To talk or to run. That is the question.
Get your ass outta hear Wade, we can't afford to get arrested.

I bolt, my legs moving as fast as they can, in any direction away from Alex. Not only would it suck if I got caught, it'd be just as bad if she got dragged into this as well. I don't know where the feelings came from, but I feel this protectiveness over her, as much as she can definitely take care of herself. She's way more than capable.

"Stop where you are, or I'll shoot!" I had already ignored the slight pain in my sides, as they had tried to taze me, but this body has taken more electricity than it should have. I've even died on more than one occasion. Even shooting I can take, I heal from everything, but it still hurts like a bitch.

I hear the gunshot go off, and I make a barrel roll to my right, just narrowly avoiding the bullet as it buries itself into the ground.

Really wish we had our sais right about now.
Is that what those trident knife thingys are called? The more you know.
Although this isn't exactly a learning experience.
I can be if we say we need to learn to be more prepared for random po-pos.
I'm going to slap you.
I'm going to slap me too!

I laugh as I continue to run, seeing a lake shining through the trees ahead of me, my plan comes into action.

"Follow me dickwads!" I call out behind me as I make a beeline for the lake, diving off the small ledge into the deep, murky waters. No splashes follow mine, as they probably assume I'll come back up. I laugh to myself, letting all my air bubbles out, to speed up the process as I slowly sink to the bottom of the lake, my lungs on fire as darkness consumes my very soul.

"Wade. What are you doing back here?" I hear her scratchy voice talking to me through the dark. I open my eyes to meet the only other woman I have truly loved, Death.
"Hey babe, you missed me?" I grin, walking towards her, twirling her in my arms before doing one of those fancy dip things you see in movies.
"I did, but that doesn't mean you should be here." I pull her back up her full height, sighing as I looked into her black eyes.
"I needed to save her, before she was discovered.." I say quietly, feeling almost guilty at the thought of her.
"I've heard of this Alex, she seems like quite the woman. I'm glad she makes you happy. She can keep you safe for me when we are apart." Death caresses my face as she speaks, lulling me with her voice.
"She doesn't need to protect me! I can take care of myself." I huff like a child.
"Then why are you here my darling?" She chuckles, noting the fact of my demise. I shrug, not meeting her eyes. Death grabs my chin, tilting my head to look at her.
"I'm sorry our visits are never long, I must send you back, it seems your body is already healing." She says with melancholy. 
"Goodbye." Is all I get the chance to say, as everything around me disappears. 

The dark is still clouding my vision as I gasp for air, only to choke on water, seeing as I am at the bottom of a lake. I quickly pull my arms down to my side, pushing the water and kicking my legs, as I make my scramble to the surface for a breathe of fresh air. It seems like longer, but 15 seconds later, I'm resurfacing from the water, gasping and coughing up water that had made its way into my lungs. 

We don't even know if she's safe.
She has to be.
If you're THAT worried, then why did you drown yourself in a lake?
To divert the cops.
But they're gone, they're probably back at the house.
They won't find the door to her lair, she's perfectly fine.
Keep telling yourself that.

"Shit" I curse under my breathe as I slowly stand and start to stumble my way back towards Alex's house.



HEllo!! I'm back! Sorry it's been a while since I updated, but at least I still updated within the same month!

I also want to talk about the fact that this story now has 5K readers! THank you all soo much for the support, and reading my crappy story. I work hard, but honestly, I never read my stories after I type them because then I just cringe. SOMETIMEs there is that one paragraph I write that's actually good, but that's a pretty rare occurrence.

sidenote-my H key won't work most of the time so I have to hit it super hard and I'm struggling ughhhhhhhh

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