chapter 7: playing along..until-

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Alex's P.O.V.

Me and Wade walk downtown, I eventually get the courage to pull away from his grip around my waist, then I just awkwardly walk beside him. He keeps glancing at me, he fidgets with the strings of his hoodie, thinking to himself.

He's so adorable
You've known him for like, two days
And he's a merc trying to kill you
Again, so?
Do you know how stupid you are?
I shouldn't have told you to go along with it...this was a mistake
The best mistake I've ever made
Did you really just quote Ariana Grande?
Yes, she's one of my favorite singers
I know that
Why does Wade keep playing with his hoodie strings?
You know he is unstable, he's supposed to be insane
He hasn't really shown any signs so far
Maybe he's hiding it, why are you trying to argue with me?
You mean myself?
You know, technically, your mentally unstable as well.
How so?
Well, for one, your acting as if I'm a whole other person
I'm sure other people do it
Not normal people
In case you haven't a noticed, I'm not normal.
You little-

I cut myself off when I notice we are in Central Park, I didn't even notice we had walked this far. Have I really been talking to myself for that long? We keep walking, I notice he has one hand in his jacket pocket, and another hanging limply at his side. I feel like I need to touch him, to feel his warm skin on my own. I hesitantly reach my hand out, and grab his. The second I grab his hand, he turns his head and looks at me, with a sort of surprised look, but I put my head down quickly so my eyes don't meet his. I don't want him to know....

Wade's P.O.V.

I call Alex this morning, and I tell her to meet me at the café we hung out at yesterday. Almost immediately after I call her, I head out towards the cafe to wait. when i get there, there is a sign that says the building is closed for the day, so I sit down at one of the cafe the cafe tables, a little out of view from the front door, so I can surprise her when she gets here.

why do you do this to yourself?
what your doing right now
which is what exactly?
try to be someone your not
and who am i trying to be exactly?
a normal person
I can be normal
*pff* as if, coo-koo!
your crazy too
try insane, like, you should be in a mental asylum 
you act like I should care
you should, how long will it be before you snap?
when you cant pretend to be normal anymore, when you show her who you really are
who says that will ever happen?
you cant go on any longer without telling her
ill decide when I need to tell her
which will be, when exactly?
like I said, I'll decide

I look up from my thoughts in time to see Alex walking up to the door and reading the sign. I sneak up behind her, and as she starts to turn around, and snake my arm around her waist and pull her towards me. She looks up at me with her curious brown eyes, and I smile at her. she's not that much shorter than me, I haven't really noticed how tall she is until now, she's about...5'10? I don't know. We keep walking for a while, with her head resting on my shoulder. After a while she pulls away from my grip on her waist, and just walks next to me. I feel a little awkward, and slowly drift into talking to my other personality again, while I fidget with the strings on my hoodie.

look at that? rejection. she doesn't like you, I told you so
shut up, she's probably I pushing her?
like I care?
you should
no, you should care about getting rid of her, and all the money your gunna get from it.
would you get off that? I told you I don't care anymore!
I love how you think I'll ever get off this, I'll never get off it until...
until what?
until she convinces us
until she convinces

I stop talking to myself and put my left hand in my pocket, and leave my other hand hanging limply at my side. I glance over at Alex, hoping she notices, but she just stares blankly into space. I look down at the ground, and try to ignore the feeling in my chest, which I'm not sure what it is. Suddenly I feel Alex's soft hand slip into mine, lacing our fingers together. I look at Alex with surprise, I mean, I wanted her to do it. but I never expected her to do it. I squeeze her hand and smile, then I step forward and pull her arm.

"Come on! I want to show you something!" I say with a hinting smile. She smiles back, and eagerly follows me. Then.....WHAM!!!!!

hey guys! sorry it took so long! here it is! ik its late, but Merry Christmas! and tomorrow is new years eve, so ill say it now, HAPPY NEW YEAR! i hope u guys had a nice holiday season! and sorry not sorry abt the cliffhanger! mehehehe
love ya'llll!

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