Chapter 25: Switch Switch Bitch

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Alex's P.O.V.

I'm surrounded. By exactly by what you'd expect, but also the direct opposite of anything you can think of. No heaven, no hell, it's like I'm stuck in some sort of inter-dimensional void. It's quite boring actually, just how you would think.
Just me and silence. The voice in my brain has disappeared for some reason, maybe it's just because I'm not,'s clear I'm not on Earth.

The real question is, where am I? I've got around a billion other thoughts and questions running through my mind at the moment, but right now, that's the number one thing that's just stabbing at my mind for answers. How does one even find answers when there's nothing and no one around?

I wonder what happened to Wade. I feel like I just woke up from some dreary nap, and he now seems like a fading dream. His presence in my mind is slowly dissipating; I hate it.
I blink for a millisecond, the way blinking works, and notice something different in the black each time. It seems to be getting...darker. Not just dark, darker than dark. The feeling of the darkness against my eyes begins to invade my entire being, the lack of anything giving me a headache of anxiety.

When will this end? Is this what I've doomed myself to with my life?
Is this what choosing a different path will cause?
Why couldn't I just live.

I begin to rub my eyes, trying to rid my sight of the wretched evil that surrounds me.

What did I do to deserve this? Sure I killed some people but like, someone has to take the dirty jobs!

My body jolts. I didn't feel anything, what the hell was that?
Okay, what the fuck.
Again, again, and again.
Who's screwing with me, is there some grim reaper out there just having some grand old time with my poor excuse of an afterlife? Because to be honest I'd probably do the same thing in their place.
It happens once again. It's as if someone is trying to shake me awake, someone trying to bring me back to life?
If my voices were still here, they'd probably tell me how handy it would be to have an iPod or something here to play some evanescence in this very moment. It's quite eerie how quiet it is without them here to annoy the shit out of me.

Miss me, bitch?
I spoke too soon.

It almost feels like someone gave me the ultimate bitch slap as my body jolts one last time before I'm no longer stranded in the dark void. As much as I'm glad that I'm not floating in limbo any longer, where the hell am I now?

Looks like hell threw up in here.
Oh, how I missed you.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Mistress has been missing for the past 48 hours and I can't seem to find her anywhere!" I short, grey skinned man scuttles up to me with a clipboard in his hand.
"Um, where the hell am I?" The man hits at me with that 'are you serious' look.
"Uh, hell?"

Knew it.

"Why am I here?" Stupid question.
"One, you're dead: Two, you weren't exactly the best person back on Earth." Stupid answer.
"Okay I get it crayfish, now who's this mistress you mentioned?" I recall his first words to me.
"Oh yes, my mistress. I've been instructed not to call her by her name or she shall unleash her wrath upon me, but she's stepped out for some reason and hasn't returned quite yet.." the small man murmurs something under his breathe as he scribbled something onto his clipboard.
"What'd you say?" I say as he suddenly turns around towards a staircase that leads down to a lower level of...hell, I guess?
"Oh I said—...uh, never mind," He pauses for a moment as he scurries down the stairs, "We have things to do, follow me please!" I follow him. Mainly because I have no clue where I'm going in this bloody pit of mystery.

We exit the bottom of the stairs and continue down at least a dozen corridors, not another word coming from the little guys mouth.

What even is his job down here.
How do you apply for a job in hell?
I wonder what the resume qualifications are..
Can I apply?

We turn down another winding hallway before we stop at a tall wooden door. Honestly, I didn't think hell would have such good carpentry, this is a damn nice door.

Why are you concentrated on a door?
I don't know man, it's a pretty door, let me admire.
But of all things in hell to focus on, you focus on a door?
Let me live. know you're dead, right?

"This is your room." The man writes more on his little clipboard, refusing to make eye contact with me.
"I get my own room? In hell!? This must be my lucky day!" Grey guy scoffs at my words with a snarky smirk.
"I wouldn't be too excited, not once you walk inside." His smirk doesn't leave his face.
"Care to share?"
"Nah, this is the one part of the job I like, when assholes like you get to see your own personal hell!" His smirk turns into a full blown sadistic smile, suddenly giving me the shivers. Damn, it's been a while since I've been genuinely scared.

I wonder what's behind the door.
Probably something to do with my biggest fear.
What is your biggest fear?
I honestly don't know.
It's probably something we don't even think about.
I'm actually kind of curious as to what's inside now.
We'll probably regret saying that in about ten seconds.

The door swings open, a flashing red light blinding me momentarily as the small man shoves me through the opening and locking the door behind me. I don't see anything for a moment, but when I sit up I see...home.
My home.

Did he push us through the wrong door?
Let's hope so.

I stand up, looking at my original hideout, the one that was discovered shortly before my death. The place that I escaped to when I wasn't doing dirty work for New York's richest and sleaziest.
How can I be home?

"Alex?" I turn to see Wade at the end of the street, standing on the sidewalk in shock at the sight of me. I gasp in return, my stomach erupting in butterflies I only read about in storybooks.
Wade runs towards me; I stand still for fear of falling on my face from disbelief. When he reaches me he pulls me into a hug that almost crushes my entire body, all sir forcing itself out of my lungs from the pressure. I feel a slight stinging at my eyes as I return the embrace, tears threatening to fall.
As my arms reach fully around him, my hands come to rest on a wet spot on his back. I glance down at my hands to see red. Lots and lots of red.

"Wade?" I ask worriedly, panic seeping into my brain. Suddenly his body falls limp in my arms, above him replaced with Jake, holding the very knife that he had just stabbed Wade with. I cry out at the sight of Wade's dying body, myself becoming extremely heavy and unable to move. The next think I know Jake is desecrating Wade, turning his body into something less than a corpse, pieces of flesh and puddles of blood surrounding me. And all I can do is watch.

Jakes laughter pierces my skull as everything around me swirls away into nothing. But only for a moment.
I open my eyes to once again be standing in front of my home. I turn my head like I did before, meeting Wade's eyes from a distance.

No. No. No. Not again.

"Alex?!" I scream for him to stop before deja vú completely takes over. Each time worse then the last.

My own personal hell.

How many ways can a person die?

*gulps nervously* hehe, sorry for the wait?
Honestly I didn't realize it had been this long since I had updated, I apologize.
I made this chapter a bit longer than normal thought, just to make up for the wait.

Please enjoy!

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