Chapter 20: Never saw it coming

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Alex's P.O.V.

The fighting began brutally, blood splattering everywhere, making me even more antsy than I was before. The fat dude who hired me originally is simply sitting far away from the fight, safely tucked away, laughing his ass off at the fact of how outnumbered Wade is.

"Bastard.." I curse under my breathe. I grit my teeth, pulling forward every ounce of energy to pick myself up off of the floor. Every muscle, tendon, and internal organ is currently screeching at me to sit my ass down, but I off course, stubbornly ignore it. The hatred seems to burn within me as I slowly make my sneaky way over to the dickwad that hired both Wade and I to kill one another.

What was his damn reason anyways?
I've literally never met this guy before in my life.
Who does he think he is?
How come he gets to be special?
What did I ever do to him to make this bullshit happen?
Men will always be confusing, I swear.

Sharp pain stabs into my skin at all angles, my lungs seeming like they are about to burst. I'm trying my best to not let my broken ribs puncture them, but so far I'm not doing a very good job.
I was attempting to sneak over to Mr. Fatass, but it seems like the cruel, twisted mind of fate has other ideas to make life harder for me. One of those typical goons that are usually played by extras in superhero movies comes at me, his horrible attempt at stabbing me fails. I land a punch straight to his family of all jewels, sending him to the floor, groaning in pain.
I turn the corner of the half wall, coming face-to-face with the douche bag himself.

"Ah, Alexandra!" He says with his arms reaching out to me, talking as if we are old friends of one another. "I'm glad to see that you failed to carry out your mission, therefore enabling your death to be even more torturous, and much sooner than it would have if you had just let Deadpool kill you." I scowl at his words, letting my deranged mind run off with imaginative ways to murder this man.

*explicitly violent thought*
*explicitly violent thought*
*even more explicit*
*tons of horrific death humor*
*horrible thoughts that would be banned online*
Why the hell did you sensor me
Cause I'm pretty sure people would puke if they heard that.
But no one can hear me but you, idiot.
Who knows man, I don't understand life, you never know.

"Nice to see you're one of those useless villains from those individual marvel movies, who has no motives to kill the heroes whatsoever," I wheeze, trying my best to put sarcasm into my raspy, oxygen deprived voice.
"I wouldn't call neither you, nor Deadpool heroes," the man laughs.
"I never called us heroes either, I just said you were a shitty villain," I quip, grabbing my hidden switchblade that's hidden within the sole of my boot, flinging it up to slice the mans throat, ending the real fight; despite the fact that his hired cronies are still fighting with Wade.

My victory is short lived as I hear a halfway through puberty type war cry, coming towards be from behind. I turn, and fall to the ground at the last second as the boy Wade and I met earlier, narrowly misses me with his dagger. I gasp for air as he runs towards me, with a bigger dagger in his hand. I make an effort to move, but with the lack of oxygen, my energy is very limited. The boy attempts to make an epic leap on top of me, but makes a complete fool out of himself but landing just before my feet.

If I could laugh, I would.
Damn these broken ribs!
Who's the dickwad that broke them anyways?
'Twas Jake...he dead.

The boy quickly scrambles to recover, but my foot is already on his face, pushing him back as he tries to move forward. It's sad really, I feel like I'm playing keep away with a five year old. I push my leg a bit harder, twisting his head so he would fall on his side while I attempt an escape.
Like I said, attempt.

The next five seconds seem to be fuzzy, I'm not sure if I'm seeing right. As I stand from the ground, an armless Deadpool is waddling past me with a sword hilt in his mouth, the sharp end sticking out and stabbing any poor bastard walking by. While I watch the weirdest moment of my life walk by, I feel someone grab me from behind, pulling me backwards and placing something cold to my throat; I can only assume it's something sharp to threaten my life.

No shit Sherlock.
Wow, what an original comeback, I've totally never heard that before.
Someone's threatening your life, and you take the time to criticize my snarkiness?

"You ruined my life," the crackling puberty voice of the boy I was fighting before, creaks in my ear. His arms are so tiny, the only reason he can hold me is because of my injury, otherwise he'd be dead. He'd have been dead a long time ago if I was 100%.
"Your dads dead, blah blah, what a sob story," I try to use my voice well enough to be sarcastic, "Just pretend your life is some weird book or movie, and get on with it." I elbow him, causing his grip to loosen, gaining freedom from his weak hold; only to be grabbed by someone else merely seconds later. This time, by someone strong. Like, super buff.

"And that's the end of it!" A horribly familiar voice shouts behind me.
"How are you still alive!?" Wade shouts from across the room, only confirming my suspicions.
"Jake, I swear to God there's like five guys left for Deadpool to kill, just let it go," I grasp his arm around my waist, trying to get rid of his tight grip. Especially since it's so close to my ribs.
"You know what?" Suddenly his voice sounds calm, and creepy, "I don't think we ever officially broke up, Alex!" His arm is slowly inching up my waist, causing slow aches of pain to begin to spread throughout my chest.
"It's over, Alex." His arms are around my torso, directly around my ribs. A sickening crack sounds through the room as he quickly tightens his hold, wrapping his arms around me with all of his strength.
I feel my lungs almost pop inside me, all air escaping me. All the oxygen leaving my body. My vision is dotted with red and black, I'm fading.
I can hear Wade as I slip onto the floor, he's screaming my name; But there's nothing he can do. I'm dying.

Hello darkness my old friend.

Wow, only I will end a super depressing chapter with a freaking meme.
But that's me, the trash queen, giver of stale memes.
Your welcome.

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