Chapter 15: Shit hit the fan...sort of?

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This chapter is dedicated to Le-Donna-Del-Paura for voting and leaving amazing comments! Thanks for reading! :)


Alex's P.O.V.

I stay quiet, my face plastered to the monitor as I watch the cops search the 'empty' and abandoned house above me. So far I'm in the clear, but not much has really happened since the first few cops went chasing after Wade. Although he's been gone for a suspiciously long time.

My face remains void of any emotion when yet another cop car pulls up, this one withholding a Mr. Dipshit. A.K.A. Jake. 

Not surprising, but what the fuck.
Can't we get a break?
I swear to God I will rip his spine out through his mouth.
How unoriginal, figure someone out that we haven't done before.
True. Plus it takes too long...
Done yet? I'm pretty sure this idiot knows where my hideout is.
You wiped his memory...didn't you?
I think so, or I could possibly have been drunk, and can't remember.
You're so stupid. WHy are you so stupid!?!
You were the one who was supposed to be responsible, I'm just one of many voices.
That's it, we're going to do torture method #63.
You sure? That's a lot of screaming.
I want him to suffer. Especially if he gets in here. 

Of course. OF course. OF COURSE! I mentally strangle myself as I watch with numb activity as Jake enters the code to my hideout.
I hear the cops yelling as my body snaps into action, grabbing my outfit, and slipping into the dark corners. At least it'll take a bit for them to get here. I do love my booby traps.

I pull the scarf over my face whilst grabbing my hastily packed bag. I hear hushed whispers coming around the corner as I hide against the wall in a crouch. I've erased any evidence of myself from this room, other than my small mattress on the floor. My bag isn't very heavy since I don't have much stuff to begin with.
Although I left those wretched heels behind, I believe they are still burning in the bin. 

I see the gun before I see Jake and the fuzz. I stay still, knowing they won't know I'm here, and watch with seething rage as they walk into what I had called my home. Jake curses himself as he sees the room empty. 
"Little bitch knew we were coming!" He shouts angrily as he kicks my mattress. 
"Or, this was built years ago, and has been empty for just as long. This place doesn't have a trace of anyone here." The one cop puts his gun back in his holster, while the other one discovers the bin with burnt shoes. 
I don't stay for the rest, as I slip around the corner and up to the way out.

I tense as I exit my hideout, passing like a shadow as I slip against a wall, out of even more cops vision. There's at least 3 more standing guard by the cop cars. 

I wonder what happened to Wade...
Now isn't the time to be thinking about this, we're on the verge of being caught.
But the police chased after him too, does Jake know who he is?
Doubt it, as much as it's blatantly obvious what his identity is, Jake doesn't know him enough to even start guessing.
True, true.
Now we have an escape to work on? I think that requires some sort of focus.

I roll my eyes to myself, before adjusting my scarf a bit more onto my face. I glance around me, always surveying if anyone is near me, before pulling out my dart gun. I don't like that these police are here believing every single word Jake feeds them, but I won't kill the innocent. Not if they haven't provoked me. If they shoot, there's a difference. Totally self defense.

The tranquilizers should work nicely. I load them into the gun, and take aim before firing the three quick shots at each of their necks. Unfortunately for me, the second one didn't hit where it was supposed to, due to the copper turning to his left at the last second. He didn't look like he was going to move, I swear I always calculate possible movements.

Shit's about to go down.
Don't talk to me.

"Who's there?!" The man yells, glancing at his fallen comrades as he cautiously edges toward where I am. I grab a sai from my belt, wrapping two of my fingers in the separated parts, and getting a firm grip as I count the seconds as the cop comes closer. And closer.

I hear a grunt of pain, and the sound of a body collapsing onto the floor. I glance around the corner, curious of the sounds. Deadpool stands above the cops body, the butt of his katana sitting lightly in his hand.

"I had him." I pout, pointing one of my sai's at him. 
"Sure, that's why he was coming to find you, and he wasn't already either dead or unconscious." Deadpool replies cooly. "I thought you were better at your profession sweetheart."

I could smack him and kiss him at the same time.
How about the first one.
But he's hot.
Point taken, but he's a psychopathic goofball.
And we aren't?
I hate when you're right.

"I had it covered, why are you here anyways?" I start walking towards my bike, pressing the silencer on the engine before hopping onto the seat, and putting my helmet on.
"I needed to ask you something." He replies in a cheery voice, following me towards my bike, and standing next to me whilst I get ready to leave.
"We don't exactly have time, there's a jackass in my home and now I'm slightly homeless and need to get the hell out of here." I flick up the kickstand with my foot, balancing on one side as I start to slowly walk it down the driveway.
"OOOoo! Can I come?" Deadpool requests, clapping his hands together like a 5 year old girl. I roll my eyes, then consider actually allowing him to ride with me to who knows where. 

He did try to kill us.
We tried to return the favor.

"Hop on." I point behind me. He jumps up and down in excitement before literally hopping onto the back, and wrapping his arms around my stomach. I tense up at his touch, feeling their warmth soak into my abdomen. I blush to myself for enjoying the touch, then the moment of intimacy is ruined.
"Just don't go fast, I sometimes get motion sick so I might puke chunks all over your back!" Deadpool rests his head on my shoulder, for no reason other than to annoy me. I chuckle to myself as I rev the engine, and speed off, going faster than I should.

Just for the fun of it.
Of course.


YAY! Another new chapter! Sorry it's almost been a month, I've been busy over the Holidays. Also, I know it's late but Happy New Year!..and all that.
Wow, 2017. And what a great start, seeing as this story has 7k reads now! 
Thank you all so much for your support on this story! It means so much to me that people are reading my cringy story, and yes this is cringy. I literally cannot read the first chapter of this book. Or any books I started two years ago.
My writing has come a long way and I'm hoping that it's improved since I was younger.

Thank ya'll again! :)

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