Chapter 27: the opposite of that evanescence song

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Alex's P.O.V.

"I brought you back to life!" I blink at Wade. There's no words for the emotions I'm currently feeling. Not just because I'm feeling all of them at once since I've just awakened from the literal dead, but because I can't describe what is currently happening with Wade in this very moment. The man literally brought me back from the afterlife. How does one respond?

"You fucking idiot." The words tumble from my mouth in a fiery rage, I can't even begin to wonder what he could have done to get me back to earth. There's always some sort of price for this sort of thing, isn't there?

Omg what if he dies?
But he can't die.
But what if he does?
Don't think about that.
Why aren't you thinking about it?
I am.
So why are you complaining?
You make everything so much worse than it actually is.

"W-what are you talking about?" Wade's tired face turns slack at my angry response. He looks completely broken, I can't tell if it's from my death or my current words in repercussion to my newly returned life.
"I'm talking about the fact that you probably made some dumb shit trade in order to bring me back!" I take deep breathes to control and calm myself. It seems my heart can't take such intense emotion after being restarted.
"I did it for you! For us!" Wade shouts back, tossing his Deadpool mask onto the dirt besides us. He takes a step forward and points an accusing finger at me. I take a step forward as well to accept his silent challenge.
"But what was it worth Wade? When you have everything here when I had nothing to lose if I was trying to get back?" He takes another step forward, his finger now proving into my chest in between my cleavage. I try to ignore the finger placement as I stare directly into his eyes, not backing down for even a millisecond.
"It was worth it because I have nothing here!" I catch my breathe, "I didn't have anything left here the second you died in front of me, there's nothing for me on this God forsaken planet since you've come into my life." His words dear themselves into my mind, marking this moment and everything within it forever in any part of my brain that is reserved for my memories.

He did this for you.
I know.
He brought you back.
I know.
He thought to himself how he can't be without you.
he traded anything he had for you.
But what did he trade?
Why does it matter?
It matters because I don't want to lose him.
Like he lost you?
Yes, please stop telling me things I already know.
You have nothing else here without him.
I won't, I repeat, I won't say those stupid words again.
And that's why you don't deserve him.
...I know.

I push myself towards him, my lips hooking onto his for the hungriest and most romantic kiss in the history of the entire human race. Or possibly any race for that matter.

The writers from the Notebook are quaking.

Wade's finger drops lazily from my chest down to my waist where he then coils his arms to wrap me into a bone breaking embrace. I put my hands in either side of his face as if this is our first kiss. As if I was feeling this intensity between us for the first time all over again. Even the anger seems to be melting away as the seconds fade past us in our embrace.

Wade pulls back from the kiss first, (surprisingly) and rests his forehead against mine, his eyes fluttering with each heavy breathe he takes. I don't even notice my irregular heartbeat as I lean into him, relaxing with each intake of oxygen. The tight embrace we hold each other in slowly loosens, I'm merely leaning on him now out of both love and exhaustion. Coming back to life isn't as easy as it sounds.

"How're you feeling?" Wade mumbles into my ear, the vibrations of his voice tickling my skin.
"Like I just ran a 5k for my actual life." I pause, "also I'm still low key angry at you." I feel him nod in response.
"Welcome back." My heart jumps in my chest, this time alerting me of the irregularity. Pain shoots through my chest and into my right arm, my knees buckling beneath me. I fall onto the dirt so quickly Wade doesn't even have the thought process to catch me. Yet, within an instant, I'm being carried across the ground, slung across Wade's shoulder like a rag doll.

"Hold on!" He yells as he runs somewhere I don't have the brain power to remember.
My last thought causes me to smirk as my head goes completely limp, my vision glazing into nothing as if my body has given up.

He's got such a nice ass.


My eyes burn through my eyelids at the light that suddenly flashes onto my face. I hear muffled voices around me, each sounding familiar in some sort of way. Although because of my current state, I can't seem to make out clear words let alone who the voices belong to.
The light glides out of my vision long enough for me to attempt to open my eyelids. They both flutter before sticking shut once again. The voices hush at the movement, each one talking quickly as their tones get lower. The light shines onto my face again, I scrunch my eyes and nose in attempt to block out the brightness.

"I think she's awake!" One of the voices exclaims at my facial movements. My brain begins to celebrate my ears being able to make out the words of the people around me, despite the fact that I still have absolutely no clue who the voices belong to. But that's another victory that can be celebrated later.
"She's not stable enough, she shouldn't be awake yet." The voice is more deep than the first, a more practical voice that seems to know what it's talking about. I feel a slight prick in my arm before I realize what's happening.
"Don't do that she's finally doing better." The first voice speaks again.
"Unfortunately, if she wakes up there's a chance her condition can worsen and she could end up right back where she started." A sleepy feeling takes over me as the light passes over my face for a third time. "She just needs more rest, then the next time she wakes, your debt will be paid and I'll send the both of you off to recover."
I attempt to register what the second man's words could mean, but my mind seems to be exhausted the sleepy feeling seems to creep throughout my body, slowly pulling me into its grasp. I sigh as I allow myself to be taken under into the place that I missed so dearly.

Sorry if the chapter is shit, it's been a while since I've written anything since I've been so busy with my life these past few months.
I hope you all enjoy this short update:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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