Chapter 4: get that girl

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Deadpool's P.O.V.

Hello! I bet you've been waiting for a chapter in my point of view! You know you love me, you know you! Baby! Baby, oh! Never mind, I don't like Justin Bieber. Anyway, let's get back on the topic! Recently, I was hired by a very rich man. To do a very special job, I'm being paid tons of money to kill another assassin, she doesn't have a name, but he told me she got on his bad side. So he wants me to sleep her with the fishes! I would tell you how much he's paying me, but it has to many zeros to count! He told me to take my time, as long as I get rid of her for good. I want to get it done now, I want da money. I need da money.

I tracked her for a few days, she finally led me into New York City. She's on a mission in the city, I spend a couple of days watching her. I was pretty close to her catching me a couple times. But luckily, she never did. I watched her on her mission, I knew I had to make my move soon.

She's pretty impressive, with her techniques, and how she works. I watch her closely as she does her job. She positions herself in the empty loft, in the dark, waiting for her victim. After her victim arrives, and sits down on the couch, she pulls back her bow, and shoots. Her arrow kills him instantly, after the job is done, she quickly exits the way she came, jumping out the window on a grappling hook, and landing on her motorcycle. She puts on an intimidating helmet, and jacket, and drives off. I follow close behind, running on the rooftops. I see her head towards Central Park, I take a short cut and get there first. I hide in one of the trees hanging over the street. I wait, I don't wait more than a minute when I hear the growling of her motorcycle. I pull out one of my swords. As she drives underneath me, I throw my sword at her tire, to pop it. But she dodges it as if she knew it was coming. She flips her motorcycle, and jumps off into a barrel roll, coming back to her feet with her bow already in hand, and shoots an arrow. Just before it reaches me, I catch it, the. Throw it back at her.
"This should be easy." I say and dive towards her. I take out my other sword, and hit her head with the butt of it. Haha, butt. Knocking her helmet off. I'm hoping to see what she really looks like, but her scarf is covering her face, protecting her identity. I swing my sword at her again, she ducks, and trips my legs. I jump back up, and dive at her legs, catching hold and knocking her down. It's been a long time since someone has lasted this long in a fight against me. We're both on the ground, clawing at each other, I swing a punch at her, but she grabs my arm and twist it, flipping me over, and holding my arm behind my head.

"Your a lot tougher than I thought." I say smiling
"I get that a lot" she replies. I manage to trip her again, flipping her over, I'm sitting on top of her now, with a knife to her throat. Ready to kill. She struggles to get the blade away, but I pin her arms, making it impossible for her to escape. I'm about to make my move, when I hear police sirens. I look up, distracted. The second I look up, I knew I had made a huge mistake. She manages to move her leg, and kick me in the groin. She rolls me off of her, and makes a break for it, hopping on her motorcycle, and riding off. I lay on the ground for a moment, in pain. Then I jump up as I hear the sirens getting closer. I've been at this to long to be caught by the police because of some girl that managed to survive a fight against me.

I jump into the nearest tree, and hide. There's no where else to go at the moment. The police arrive, and scour the area. Wow, they are so stupid. They don't even search the trees.(not that I want them to.) they leave after searching for a while, I drop out of the tree, landing on my feet. I walk over to where she had her bike on the ground a little while before, and search for something that might have fallen from her bike, I find a small piece of paper. A small piece ripped off an old newspaper, it had a picture of a house, and a small article and headline underneath. It said, "Abandoned house haunted, residents leave the evil behind, local house in a small neighborhood in NewYork City has been foreclosed recently, do to mysterious murders that happen whenever someone steps foot into the house, the residents have fled the neighborhood to stay safe.". It even has the address of the house at the bottom....hmmm...seems like I'm going to be paying a visit to a certain 'ghost'.


I'm walking in a run down neighborhood, mostly abandoned. I'm not dressed as deadpool though, I'm going, myself. A.k.a. Wade Wilson. I'm dressed in jeans, and a T-shirt and jacket, blending in. Except there's nothing to blend in with in an abandoned neighborhood.

This place is a dump..
You didn't live in a place any better when you were younger
Shut up
I hate you
You can't
And why not?
Because I'm your only friend
Who says your my friend?
Ouch, that burned.

I argue with myself as I walk along, trying to find the address. It starts to rain hard, I quickly run to the nearest place I see that gives shelter, an old garage. I walk in and almost fall into a hole, made of broken up cement.

Watch where your going dingbat
I saw it, I wasn't going to fall
Did I tell you I hate you?
I hate you
You said that already
I don't care, I just want to find that little brat and unalive her already!
You know I hate that word! It's to strong
That's what you do
Another word for kill!
Shut up
Good bye
I'm still here
Whatever, I can ignore you
No you can't
La la la la la
You can still here me
What's that? I thought I heard a voice
Your insane
Ha! Got you to talk to me!
I never said I wasn't talking to you, I said I was going to ignore you
But your not

Enough arguing with myself. I pull my hood over my head and walk back outside. I look at the house next to the garage, it matches the address on the paper I have.

How ironic
I thought I told you to shut up
Since when do I listen?

I walk over to the front door, it's not locked so I walk right in. I don't bother not making any noise, or being sneak, I need to get her to know I'm here, to draw her out. There is a beam hanging down from the ceiling, showing it could collapse anytime. I don't care.

I bet you'll do something stupid and get crushed by that
No, I can't, I have a healing factor
That doesn't mean it won't hurt like hell
And I didn't say it wouldn't
Sure, when was the last time you didn't so something stupid?
I'll get back to you on that.

I walk around, looking for clues, and other things that could be a sign to where she is, and what happened in this house.

She might be as messed up as me
No ones as messed up as you
There is no maybe
Stop distracting me

I stop on a glass picture frame cracked, and packed with dust. I pick it up and wipe the dust off. I examine the picture, it's a family, they look pretty happy. I threw the picture behind me, letting it hit the ground with a thud. I start searching for other things, if I can't find that girl, maybe I can find something valuable I could make a couple bucks on. Then I feel a small breeze, and I turn to see that window open, with a breeze coming in.

That wasn't open before
Your right
You usually argue with me
I'm not right now
I can see that
That's because there is someone behind you, you fool.

I turn around, catching the girl off guard. She has a knife in her hand, and instantly tries to stab, but it knock it out of her hand, as I do so she falls over. She looks back up at me, looking scared, thinking I'm going to hurt her. If I think this is who I think she is...then I'm definitely going to.


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