Chapter 23: The deal of a lifetime

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Read the A/N at the end please.
"Hey, asshole!" I shout as I run onto one of the training fields in hope to put my plan into action. The plan I came up with not two minutes before. It was a bit rushed, sure, but it's totally fool proof.

You're the only asshole here.
Quiet, I've set the trap.
What trap, it's just his usual personality.
I know.
He'd do it even if you just asked.
But this way is more fun.

I run up behind him, placing my hands on the sides of his head, trying to push down the parts of his hair that are always sticking up. He really needs a new haircut, it's a bit out of date. Bedhead is so 2014.

"What'd you say, bub!?" Logan a.k.a Wolverine turns around, letting the claws on one hand out and using the other to push me off of him. I prance backwards, taunting him with an annoying laugh. He squints his eyes at me, his temper already dangerously high.

Just what I need.
Just do it already, Wolfy!
He should totally make his dreams come true.
Enough with the old memes please, it's 2017.
That never stopped anyone, besides most 2017 memes suck.
Back to the task at hand, Wade.
Right, remember the plan..what was the plan?
Just keep doing what you're doing.

"I called you an asshole!" I through my hands in the air like a small child as I skip around Logan in a teasing gesture. "It'd be just dandy if you would maybe stop being an asshole, mate." I say in my fake Australian accent, whilst poking Wolverines in the sides. I can feel it now, he's gonna—


The other claws are out.
And also, in my gut. I smile internally since the plan was a complete success. I feel blood begin to gush out of me at alarming rates, but I know I'll be back soon. I always am.
My eyes close as I let the sweeping pass of death flash over me. Then I'm falling, falling down the darkness as I make my way to a familiar place. A familiar room. With a tall, familiar woman.

"What are you doing back here so soon, darling?" Death turns to me, swaying her hips as she walks closer to me. I try and ignore it, seeing as there's only one girl on my mind at the moment.
"I need a favor." I rush towards her, grabbing her arms and looking deep into her soulless eyes.
"I suppose I do owe you for last time, when you collected a much needed soul." I nod vigorously at her reply. "What do you need, my love?" I gulp, wondering if I should actually go through with this. She could ruin this, she's told me so many times not to ask.
"I need you, to bring someone back from the dead." Silence.

She better hurry the hell up, we're already fading.
Shit, can we like, stab ourselves and stay?
No, we don't have control of our body.
Damnit why'd you have to tell me.

"Who?" I take a step back in shock, not knowing she would reply like this.
"Someone I really care about, her name is Alex." I rush my words now, my body is slowly healing back in the world of the living.
"Wade, you know my rules." My heart plummets at her words, I knew it was coming but I still had hope before now.
"Please, this is a one time thing, and like you said, you owe me!" I point out, my voice slightly raised as the panic of me coming back to life sets in.
"I can't, besides the only way you could—" flashing light, that damn flashing light.

I gasp for air, sitting abruptly upright in the grass of the training field I had just died in. I feel the breeze on my exposed skin where Logan had stabbed me. I notice I'm alone now. I didn't expect any less.

Maybe I could take myself back, I need to know. I need to bargain. I'll do anything.

One time deal, do it right.
Despite the horror, I would like to thank high school for this gory information.
Only a horrible place will teach horrible things.

I close my eyes as I reach for my katana.
"For Alex." I say as I carry out the deed. It doesn't matter anyways, I'm still coming back. Some people are lucky enough to die properly.

"Wade Wilson!" I feel something cold smack across my face. I open my eyes to meet a fuming Death standing in front of me. "You're insane!" She cries out as she paces across the room, her eyes glowing with anger.
"When have I ever not been?" I chuckle lightly, trying my best to push out the thoughts that threatened to cloud my mind as my mind keeps wandering to the doubts of my last resort not working.
"You can't keep killing yourself over some silly girl!" Death prides my chest with her cold, boney fingers.
"I can, because she's worth it."
"You're an idiot if you think you can bring her back."
"I don't think I can bring her back, I think you can."
"There's a way, but the only chance is to sacrifice another soul." Death says these words slowly, as if I'll be fazed at the thought of spilling the guts of yet another person.

Just tally that up for my dead pool.
..Pun intended.

"Done." I state, feeling relieved when my plan is complete.
"You don't understand, in order to save someone's soul, you must kill someone with a soul equal to theirs." Who's soul could be equal to Alex's?
"How am I supposed to figure that out?" I groan, everything is falling apart.
"I can tell you right now, who's soul is exactly equal to hers," I perk up at Deaths words, maybe this will work out after all.
"Who is it?" I ask eagerly.
"Wade, it is your soul."


This chapter is exactly 1000 words I'm so proud.
Hi guys, new update. Do you hate me?

I kinda want to do one of those author Q/A's. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BOOK OR MYSELF, ASK THEM HERE!

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