Chapter 24: its hard to rhyme 'confusion'

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"Who's is it?" I ask eagerly.
"Wade, it is your soul."


Well that kinda defeats the purpose of bringing her back to be with us.
What will taking my soul do actually?
Will we actually die?
Maybe that's a good thing.
But I want to be with her.
You can't have it all Wade.
I can try.
Please cut the sarcasm this is a serious situation.
When is anything in my life properly serious?

With those last confusing words from Death, I faded away. Back to the unfortunate clutches of life. Its existential cluster of cold and reality burst into me as I awaken from my temporary death.
I begin to think (dangerous, I know) about what Death said.

The one reason I wanted to bring her back was so she could be with me. So we could be together.
But how else do I save her if the only way to do so, is to give up my soul? Would that mean my own demise? How does this even work!? I need to read some fine print here because there are many technicalities that can be filled.
Maybe I can sell just a part of my soul, Death never said she needed the whole enchilada.

How does one even give up their soul?
Do I just say it out loud?
Think it out loud?
Okay, Ed Sheeran. Let's put some logic in this.
Where's the logic in making a deal with Death to bring back the girl you like?

I make my way back to the X-Men mansion, tip toeing around the perimeter. I need to find the library, and despite my many strange visits to this place, I don't remember much of the layout.

I never did like watching HGTV.
What does that have to do with anything?
Not sure, I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Research will probably help my situation, right? I suppose the only place with books on such manners as Death, will probably be in the X-Men library. Well, maybe Doctor Strange, but who's got time to break into that fun house?
I find a window open on the west side of the mansion, a screen covering the gap to block out any bugs from entering the building. I remove the screen carefully, trying my best not to make noise, before entering.
I instantly crouch down, doing a sneaky duck walk through the halls in search of my destination.

And he said the the man, running the stand.
Bum bum bum.
Got any grapes?
Um...I don't remember the lyrics.
Then he waddled away.
Waddle waddle.

I find myself at the entrance to the enormous library that could only reside in a secret mutant school. I stand up from my crouching position, instantly regretting my choice of sneaking, as my legs feel like a hundred fiery arrows just pierced them.

I make my way through the library, unsure of what to look for. I wander around for a while, nearly getting caught when a young girl walks in, grabs a book, and leaves. I find myself in front of a section of 'How to' books, dozens of strange titles scattered before me in that weird system librarians use.

'How to make sausage'—that's what she said.
'How to domesticate a squirrel'—could be useful in the future.
'How to tell a girl you're gay'—not quite.

I finally come across a 'How to' that could be useful. Also, the only one of it's kind.
'How to Trap Death'
Now I just feel guilty. I can't do anything to Death, she doesn't deserve it...but what about Alex? It's my fault she's dead. I need to bring her back. I need her.
Which makes the point mute if I give up my soul.

'There are countless ways to trap Death, especially in the process of a deal. Deals aren't common with such a creature, as Death is it's only purpose. To take the lives of whoever's time is up, and keep them in their collection. Death is inescapable, and smart. There aren't many ways to trap it anymore. There aren't many ways to get past it's defenses, as it is strong. The strongest, yet hardest, way to trap Death is—' I pause reading when I hear footsteps in the hallway. I close the book and hold it behind my back as I try to make myself as hidden as possible.
The footsteps are getting closer.

"—but if he's made completely out of metal, how do any bodily functions work? How does he use the bathroom? Why does he need to eat?" A pimple faced boy walks in the room with non other than, Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

This girl needs a new name.
Agreed, it's too much of a mouthful.

"Just get used to it, you'll see a lot of weird shit in this place." They both stop in front of a bookcase two rows over from my left. My heart races in excited at the thought of being caught. Half of me wants to have fun with these two, the other half wants to get my ass out of here.

"What the hell!? Who are you!?" The pimple faced boy spots me, extending his arm to point out my position.
"Who, me? I'm just your friendly neighborhood ass-kicker!" I lunge forward, katana in hand as I hit him over the head with a hilt. Negasonic—ugh, let's just call her NTW—throws a punch, landing it right in my gut. I bite through the pain as I pull down a bookcase on top of her head.

I hightail it out of the library, tip toe running through the halls like a graceful ballerina; book in my left hand, katana in my right, and my ass sticking out behind me for a more dramatic flare.

Walk walk fashion baby.
Red is the new dead.
X-Men be jelly.
Would they like some peanut butter as well?

I spot Storm entering the hallway I'm gliding down, looking at me in confusion before getting into a fighting stance.

"mOVe BiTcH!" I yell as I flip over her head and sprint to the front door.
Tucking my katana back in it's place, and the book in my belt, I break into a Naruto run to make my epic escape.

Plans are overrated.
Now let's trap some Death.

Dear Lord, has it really been almost two months since I update?
I'm sowy.


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